Chapter 26

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It was bustling with conversation all around the long dining table, and Sam mostly just talked when he was spoken to. Not because he didn't enjoy the company, but because he tried to find some way to talk to Aelin about... well, their relationship in general. But the apartment was full of people all the time, and it was hard to get a moment alone with her.

Today everyone was seated around the table, even Dorian and Chaol had joined them for dinner today. Wesley and Lysandra were in deep discussion with the Allsbrooks, while Aedion, Rowan and Aelin were discussing the attack on the tower, again.

«The wyrdhounds are in the tunnel, but they seem to be in some kind of hibernation.» Rowan said to Aelin. «Aedion and I could get very close without any of them stirring at all. But they could still be a problem when we go in with the hellfire.»

«Maybe some more men to guard our backs would be immensely helpful.» Aedion shot in.

«We can't send any of the humans with you, the wyrdhounds are too vicious. Do you think it will be possible for you two to sneak past them?» Aelin said, while frowning at the now empty plate before her. She checked the platters of food on the table, but they had been scraped clean too.

«Maybe, but it's a big risk to take.» Rowan said slowly, eyeing Aelin as she was eyeing the mound of salmon on his plate.

Sam watched as Aelin brought her fork over to Rowans plate and stole a large chunk of his salmon, the fae warrior growled quietly at her. She just smirked victoriously at him and plopped the fish into her mouth. «We could try hunting them down first, but that would alert them to our intentions though.» Aelin said between chewing, then reached over to steal more from Rowan, who growl slightly louder this time.

«That's my food, princess.» Rowan said sternly, but his eyes was glinting as if he actually found it funny for some reason.

«Then you should have eaten it.» She said with her usual sass, Sam clamped his mouth shut to keep from laughing out loud when Rowan glared at her.
Aelin however, did not let it stop her, she let loose a cackling laugh and swiped the rest of his food from his plate. Rowan just shook his head, but his lips tilted up ever so slightly into a small smile.


After a long and tedious journey, beginning with the long intricate underground tunnels that the Crochans had made, followed by a long trek down through Oakwald Forest, they had finally arrived at their destination. Rifthold, the capital of this festering empire.

The sun had barely begun its descent from the sky as the two sisters, with two witches from each of their covens to guard their backs. The rest of their witches were camped out in the forest, out of sight from anyone.

«Well, where do we find her?» Rhiannon asked from under her hood, glancing over at Manon.

«I'm not sure of the exact location, but I know she keeps the slums of the city.» she replied.

«We gave a lot of ground to cover then, most of what I've seen of the city so far looks like slums.» Rhiannon said as she watched three drunkards waddling down the streets.

For hours and hours they trailed up and down countless streets looking for Aelin and her friends. If it hadn't been for the presence of Asterin and Sorrel, Manon would be hissing in frustration at the lack of progress in their search. Maybe she should bring out her iron nails, that would attract some attention and word of their presence would maybe reach Aelins ears. But on the other they needed to stay hidden, she couldn't let their enemies learn they were here.


Rowan leaned back in his chair as Aelin appeared from the kitchen, grinning like a madwoman with largest chocolate cake he'd ever seen in her arms.

Apparently she wasn't pulling any punches with todays gathering, with exquisite dinner and now dessert. He knew why of course, tomorrow they would all be too busy with the final preparation. And then the day after that they going blow up that tower, and then take down the king.

He felt Sams eyes on him, as they had all today. For several days actually. He was very perceptive and Rowan knew he suspected him for having an interest in Aelin. But he had tried, dammit, as hard as he could to not act like he was in love with, as if he had never bedded her. Nevertheless the young assassin was unto him. Rowan sometimes just... forgot that she wasn't his anymore...

Aelin cut out a huge piece for herself then turned to speak with Lysandra. She wasn't paying attention to her cake at the moment, and it was time to get back at her from stealing his dinner. He silently switched their plates, his was of course empty, then he began eating her piece. She reached for her cake, then turned in bewilderment to find it gone.

She looked around the table a bit confused until her eyes settled on him, and he threw the last bit of the cake into his mouth while staring her staring her straight in the eyes. Lysandra began laughing hard as Aelin just gaped at him for a minute.

«Did you just...? That was my cake!» She stuttered out, still gaping, looking slightly shocked. Rowan smiled triumphantly at her.

«You should have eaten it then.» He said smugly. Lysandra laughed even harder, almost falling of her chair, and Sam began laughing as well. Aelin just pursed her lips in mock indignation, and stuck her tongue out at him.


Dorian had gone up to the roof to get some fresh air. The apartment had gotten very stuffy with so many people inside, and had gotten suffocatingly hot.

Dorian drew a deep breath, filling his lungs with brisk, cold air. He leaned his elbows on the railing and looked towards the castle. Very soon they would attack. He had killed his father once before, but this time he had had more training. And no demon prince to defeat inside him first.

Dorian closed his eyes. He could do it again. The man deserved to die after all the pain and suffering he had caused.

«Hello, Princeling.»

Dorians eyes shot open and he looked down into the street below. And there, with five other witches, stood a witch who could bring out all his strengths. Dorian grinned widely at her.

«Hello, Witchling.»

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