Chapter 38

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The sun had barely begun to ascend the sky when Aelin woke up. A heavy arm lay over her, and she carefully pushed it aside then climbed out of bed. Rowan did not stir while she got dressed and quietly snuck out of the room, and headed down the,stairs towards the kitchen.

She could hear Luca talking long before she reached the entrance to the kitchen, the chattering, however, stopped when she entered the room.

«I'd like to help. If that's alright?» she said, and looked between the two males. Emrys gave a,warm smile and waved towards the table, to the cutting board next to Luca.

«Of course, you can help Luca cut the vegetables.»

Aelin walked over to where Luca stood cutting vegetables, and took up place next to him. She grabbed a knife, that horribly dull, and began cutting the carrots. She smiled at Luca who gad been staring since she entered the kitchen.

«I'm Aelin, nice to meet you.» she said and smiled at the boy, who was now blushing slightly. His brows shot upwards.

«You're, uhm, the Aelin? Like, the lost princess Aelin?» he stuttered out, eyes widening lightly. She could hear Emrys quietly laugh by the big cauldron he was stirring in, apparently he had not informed the youth about her. She chuckled too.

«Yes, that sounds about right.» she said, then turned back to cutting the carrots. After a minute Luca began chattering about whatever gossip he had heard from the guards, and she mostly listened to what he said. He was as lively as she remembered him to be.

«...but with Doranelle under tight lockdown, we haven't gotten news from there lately.»

She blinked at him. «What was that?» she asked. «Why is it under lockdown?» This could not mean anything but bad news.

«No ones knows really. One day everything was fine, then some months ago the Queen ordered to close the city for any traffic. No one goes in and no one comes out.» Luca said, then continued to prattle on about something else. But Aelin was not listening at all anymore. A lockdown... Maeve was aware that they were coming, that was the only explanation. This was very bad.

They tossed all the cut vegetables into Emrys' huge cauldron, then she sat down by the table and poured herself a cup of tea. Getting into Doranelle would not be an easy task, not with the guards there on high alert. And most likely looking for her and Rowan specifically. She released a heavy sigh and stared into her tea, hoping that maybe the drink could give her any bright ideas.

«You know, your mother used to work in this very kitchen almost twenty-four years ago.» Emrys said as he took a seat across from her. She looked up from her tea and into his kind face.

«I've heard about that actually. What was she like?» she asked. She remembered her mother well, but she was curious to what her mother had been like before she married her father.

«She was very kind to us, many of the older demifae here remembers her. She spent almost year fighting for the demifae's rights, to prove to Maeve that we had a place in her realm alongside the purebreds.» Emrys said. «Feisty and fearless, yet she was kind and patient. I see a lot of her in you, not only in appearance but also in your eyes. Your mother would be very proud of you, my dear.»

Silver lined her eyes, and she gave him a small smile. «Thank you.» He smiled warmly back at her.


Galan sat by his desk in his private chambers, the letter he had received from Aelin a couple months ago kay before him.

Are you going to sit back and watch us all die again, or are you going to get of your lazy ass and help us? War is coming quickly and I cannot fight it alone. Do not let my parents' deaths be in vain.


His father still found it hard to believe Aedion, even when Lord Rogbart backed up his claim. Galan on the other believed his cousin, he had seen the sincerity in Aedion's eyes when he spoke of Aelin.

Galan rise from his seat and walked over to a window overlooking the city below. Even if his father decided not the help their relatives, he had decided he himself would go. Galan would take most of the armada, and some troops and he would help his cousins win back their land.

He would not sit idly by as his father had done nine years ago.


Three days had passed since they left Mistward. She had given her heartfelt goodbyes, while Emrys had stuffed her satchel with a lot of food. Now Aelin and Rowan sat hunched in the forest, watching and listening.

This forest should have been guarded by Maeve's wolves, but there were no sign of them. Maybe Maeve had concentrated all the defenses closer to the city, but they would find a way.

While they were travelling she continuously reached into her power, going down farther and farther. She would need every last droop ready when they faced that monster.

The forest was silent, no sounds of anything skulking in the shadows. Still they kept low, alert. They could not afford any surprises, they didn't even speak out loud for fear of someone hearing them.

Another day passed with no incident, and now they could finally see the city of rivers. Sure enough the walls were crawling with guards, and she even spotted one of the wolves crouched down in the high grass. She and Rowan exchanged glances, but movement snatched her attention back to the city.

One of the guards drew an arrow and fired it into the sky, and the arrow went clean through a bird that had flown too close. Aelin looked back to her mates calculating face. Flying in was not option.

They would either have to sneak in, putting all her stealth skills to the test. Or they could hit hard and fast, and use pure force and might to bring thus city to its knees.

They retreated some ways back into the forest, and set up camp. They would first rest, eat and then they would rain down hell on Maeve the next day. She shared a wicked smile with her mate as she bit into the bread Emrys had given them.

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