Chapter 23

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This chapter became infinitely better thanks to an awesome idea by AshFae. ^_^ enjoy!

A soft breeze rustled the leaves above them, the only sound that could be heard in addition to the soft breathing from the sleeping princess of fire. She was nestled in between large, twisting roots using her bag as a pillow and her cloak as a blanket. From where Rowan was sitting he could see the fresh, still healing tattoos peeking up from the shirt she was wearing.

He couldn't sleep, his mind kept trying to find a way to convince her to take him with her to Adarlan. But she was as stubborn as mule, and would not budge no matter what he said.

His eyes strayed to curve of her hips, over her waist, and down again. She stirred slightly, slowly rolling unto her back. Her lips parted as a low moan escaped her, Rowan swallowed hard, forcing down the rush of feelings that sprung to life at the sound of her.

Her brows furrowed a split second before the entire area burst into blue flames, and he instinctively threw a shield up around himself. He hurried over to the now thrashing princess, and grabbed her by the shoulders.

«Wake up, Aelin! It's just a dream.» he tried shaking her, and sent a cool wind sweeping over her to chase the fire away. She groaned and her jaw tightened as if she was hurting. Rowan bent down over her and blew ice cold air into her, forcing it down into her lungs. The ground hissed beneath Aelin and smoke rose up around them, hiding the forest surrounding them in a grey swirling cloak.

She gulped the cold air greedily a few times before her eyes fluttered open. Beautiful blue eyes locked in his while he kept cooling her down with cold air. He became acutely aware that he was leaning over her, mere inches away from her blushing face.

He could hear her heart beat begin to thunder within her chest as she released a shuddering breath. «Thank you, Rowan.» she said as she measured the distance between, or rather the lack of distance. Her scent hit him, and the crackling embers and lavender blocked out all his common sense. His moved to caress her cheek, and her eyes never left his as he crossed the remaining distance between them and kissed her with all his pent up emotions.

He forced her lips to part further so he could taste her with his tongue, while their hands began to venture across each other, touching, feeling, exploring. A low purr grumbled deep in his throat as Aelin pushed him unto his back and she climbed on top him, straddling him with her strong legs. Her hands travelled up his chest, then she opened the first button, then the second.

«I'll show you just how much I've missed you, buzzard.» she whispered as she leaned down tracing kisses down his chest while she opened the rest of his shirt, his blood roaring wilder and wilder the further down she went. His Fireheart unflinchingly stared into his eyes as she unbuckled his belt...

Rowan bolted upright from where he lay on the living room coach, panting heavily as if he had been running for miles. A dream, it was just a dream. He swallowed hard trying to force his racing, longing heart to calm down. He jumped to his feet and headed straight to the roof. He needed the outside air to cool down, to have wind blow away the still lingering phantom kisses she had so graciously spread across his body.

On the roof he grabbed the railing hard. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in through his nose, and exhaled hard through his mouth. But it didn't help. The longing, the wanting to feel her again didn't disappear. Rowan jumped as someone spoke from the other end of the roof.

«Don't mind me, I'm just standing over here keeping a look out.» Dorian said as he stepped out of the shadows. Rowan blinked, trying to hide his surprise. He had been so focused on the dream that he hadn't even scented the young king.

«What are you doing here.» Rowan asked and looked out across the city as Dorian came to stand beside him.

«I had to get out of the castle, too many... bad memories there. Figured I might as well stand guard here.» the king said, leaning his elbows on the railing. «Bad dream?»


Sam watched Aelin as she slept soundly beside him. He watched her peaceful face as she breathed slowly in through slightly parted lips, and her hair slid down across her face. He reach down to tuck her hair behind an ear when he heard rustling noises from the living, then stalking footsteps headed for the roof.

He shouldn't, he really shouldn't. But he did. He slowly climbed out of bed and snuck soundlessly up the stairs leading to the roof, he kept low and quiet as he heard the Fae prince speak with Dorian.

«Bad dream?» Dorian asked. Rowan was quiet for a moment, probably deciding on what to tell the man.

«It wasn't... bad. It started of as a memory of Aelin and I before she left Wendlyn. She had become enthralled by her magic in her sleep, and I had to help her out of it.» Rowan said quietly. So quiet it was hard to hear, so Sam inched a bit closer to the door.

«Wait,» Dorian said, and for a short heartbeat Sam thought they had noticed him, but then Dorian continued. «Does this turn into the kind of dream I don't want all the details to?» he whispered.

Sam held his breath as he waited anxiously for the answer. He heard Rowan clear his throat.

«It does.» Rowan said curtly.

«Woah, that's... intense.» silent ensued for a while, then Dorian spoke up again. «It must be driving you mad, going from being her mate and husband to just watching her share her life with someone else, that... can't be an easy thing to do.» Sam blinked and his jaw dropped down to his chest, eyes bulging as Dorians words reached him.

«It was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Having her alive and in love with another, is a thousand times better than her having a wyrdstone heart and a demon inside her.» Rowan said with quiet resolve. «But yes, it's... harder than I thought it would be.»

He had heard enough, he definitely should not have eavesdropped on their conversation. He slowly inched back down the stairs and into the apartment.

He stood in the living room for a minute to calm down his nerves. They were married! He swallowed hard, and made his way to their bedroom slowly.

He closed the door quietly behind him, and leaned against it while watching her sleeping form. Did she know? Did she remember that? He knew she was remembering more and more every day, but she rarely spoke of it. Maybe she did remember but had decided not to tell him about this, maybe she didn't want to hurt his feelings. Or maybe she had just chosen him instead of Rowan.

No, he honestly did not think that was the case. The way Dorian had said it, mate and husband, as if it were two different things. As if being a mate was something more, something stronger perhaps.

Sam walked over to the bed and climbed in, and tucked her hair behind her ear. He snuggled in under the blanket and kissed her lightly on the forehead. He and Rowan could agree on one thing, namely Aelins happiness. Ultimately it was her choice who she wants to spend her life with, and he could only hope that she would pick him.

But there was that small part of him that wanted her to choose the Fae prince. He deserved it, deserved her after everything he went through to save her life. Sam stared at Aelins peaceful, sleeping face until he drifted of into a restless sleep.

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