Chapter 33

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His blood roared through him the entire walk back to the meeting, and he had to fight the urge to sweep her of her feet and take her somewhere private. But maybe he shouldn't, not yet at least.

«Could we do another magic lesson, later?» she asked after walking in silence. «All this sitting around doing meetings all day is getting on my nerves.»

He looked her over, all her giddy behaviour from earlier seemed to have evaporated, and her bright smile had turned into a frown. «Of course, there is still more for you to learn.» he said and squeezed her hand. They turned around a corner and the door to the meeting came into sight. He stopped walking and tugged at her hand to stop her too. They way they had sprung the knowledge of the lock and her immortality at her, there was no wonder she was on edge.

«You're not alone in this, Aelin. The lock, the keys and the war... We are all in this together, and we each must play our part for it to work out.» he said and lifted her chin to make her look at him, there in her eyes he could see the worry that had seized her. «I will do anything to keep you with me, and no force in the world can tear us apart.»

«It's just that... it's just so much, and I feel like I've taken on more than I can chew. And now this thing with the lock... I don't want Dorian to die, but I don't want to die either. There has to be another way.» her voice was brimming with worry, and he wished he could take all her worries away.

«If there is another way, I am confident that we will find it.» he kissed the top of her head. «Don't be afraid, Fireheart. I know you can do this.» she gave him a half smile.

«With you by my side I won't be.» she said. At that she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath and headed to the meeting. He kept pace with her, stroking his thumb over the back of her hand until they entered the room.

She strode straight for her seat at the head of the table, Rowan took the one to her right. He could still feel her worry, but she kept her face neutral, hiding her feelings from everyone else.

«Where were we?» she said, and leaned back in her seat.

Dorian cleared his throat. «We were discussing where to position ourselves, and who would go where.» he said. Rowan watched as Aelin looked down at the table, as if she was envisioning a map there.

«The witches stay her with you.» She nodded at Dorian, she knew Manon would not object to that anyway. She turned to look at Sam «Sam, Wesley and Lysandra, I'd like you to be my eyes and ears in Eyllwe, make sure that everything goes smoothly there.» Sam gave her curt nod, accepting his mission, so did Wesley and Lysandra. Next her attention went to Ren. «You gather the rebels and take them to Terrasen, once there contact the remaining lords and inform them of what's going on and that I'm back. Then prepare the rebels and the Bane.» Rowan had to admit that Aelin was extremely attractive when she used her commander voice, and he couldn't stop watching her.

«The Bane belongs to me, I'm their general.» Aedion shot in. Aelin turned to him.

«You're coming with me and Rowan to Wendlyn. While Rowan and I go to Doranelle, you meet with our relatives in Varese. When we're finished in Wendlyn we'll stop by Skulls Bay and then we all regroup and move on Morath.»

Aedions brow furrowed. «You and Rowan are facing Maeve alone? That's too risky, Aelin.»

«It's not up for debate, Aedion.» She stood up and her eyes swept over everyone at the table. «Meeting adjourned.» she said curtly, then swiftly left the room. Efficient and to the point, as always. The others began talking amongst themselves, talking about their assignments for the most part. But Rowan didn't bother to say his goodbyes as he followed after the wildfire that had just left the room.

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