Chapter 55

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Everyone in the city and the army camps where busy with preparing for the imminent departure. Massive amounts of food was being loaded unto wagons, as well as extra weapons and armor. That morning Sam had awoken in Aelin's bed, however, the woman was nowhere to be found. He had packed his belongings, as well as a few changes of clothing for her, and placed the bags in the cart reserved for the leaders. 

Now he wandered around trying to find where she had gone of to. After her panic attack last night he couldn't stop himself from worrying about her, if she got one of those when no one was around she could seriously hurt herself. He frowned as he looked around the busy war camp, but no golden head was to be seen. A tiny bird bird landed on his shoulder, and one glance at it told him that it was Lysandra.

She flapped her tiny wings and shifted.«She's at the beach, I saw her on my way back from the armada.» she said and smiled. 

He huffed a laugh.«How did you know I was looking for her.» he asked.

«The way you scrutinizingly surveyed each and every person you walked past kind of gave you away.» she said and crossed her arms.«Are you going to try and woo her? Since there are two Aelins now.» she said, albeit a bit jokingly, but Sam shrugged.

«I wasn't planning on it. I honestly think that's the last thing on her mind right now.» And not to mention a bit weird as well, he thought.«I'll see you later, Lys.» he said, then waved goodbye before heading towards the beach.

He found her quickly enough, sitting right at the edge where only the occasional wave broke past her. She turned towards him when he approached, and there was no sign of last nights fear, he noted with relief.

«You know, there's something very peaceful about water, but it's also very energizing as well.» she said, then turned to look out across the ocean again.

«After almost drowning multiple times, that is probably one of the last things I ever thought would come out of your mouth.» he said with a chuckle. A half smile tugged on her lips, and she briefly glanced at him with a look in her eyes he couldn't quite read. 

«Even so, it has a strange serenity to it.» She rose to her feet.«Is it time to leave?» she brushed of the sand from her soaked pant, then went for her shoes i bit further in on the beach.

«It is, the army will be heading out in a few hours, but the armada will leave any minute now. If you want to travel with them, we'll have to go now.» he said. 

«Mhm, how about neither? I find traditional means of travel to have become quite tedious.» she said with a mirthful glint in her eyes.«Besides I think it would be a good idea to meet with the others sooner rather than later.»

«You want to make a portal? To where exactly?» he asked with raised eyebrows.

«Well, since Rowan and little me is going to Rifthold, I was thinking to intercept them there.» she said, and Sam fought a smile at her nickname for her younger version. «And it would be an ample opportunity to have some fun as well, which I've had very little of for a very long time. You can come with me if you want.» 

«How can I say no to a chance of portal traveling.» He said, grinning widely.


Dorian feinted to the left, but then stepped back to dodge Manons' sword that came swinging right for his chest. They slowly circled each other, with their blades raised and ready. Manon gave a cocky half grin, and Dorian sprung at her, swiping for her side. But Manon easily deflected the blow, then spun and kicked him square in the chest, sending him flying backwards. 

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