Chapter 27

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Dorian swung himself over the railing and used his magic to land softly on the ground before the white haired witch, and flung his arms around her hugging her tightly.

«Stop hugging me.» Manon said, and some of the witches, probably Asterin, snickered.

«Why would I? I haven't seen this pretty face in ages!» Dorian laughed as Manon growled at him, oh how nice it was to see her again. And she remembers the future as well, the relief seeped through his entire being.

«What happened, one moment we were charging on the Valg the next we weren't.» She asked, almost demanding an answer. Dorian looked over her companions, three which he did not recognize.

«It was Rowans doing. Who are your friends?» He nodded towards the brown haired one with the soil coloured eyes. Pretty, but he preferred Manons fair complexion.

«The Crochans, lead by my half sister, Rhiannon.» She said and motioned to the brown haired witch. Dorian gave the witch his most charming smile, and gave her a courteous bow.

«It is a pleasure to meet you, Rhiannon.» He said.

«The pleasure is mine, Prince.» Rhiannon said as she walked up beside Manon, and gave her a quick wink and a small knowing smile. «We were looking for a princess, do you know where we could find her?» Rhiannon asked.

Dorian cast a glance up at the apartment behind, and huffed a small laugh. «She's in there actually, but she's probably busy walloping Rowan for stealing and eating her cake.» Manon raised an eyebrow at that, and Dorian motioned for them to follow him.


Aelin plumped down on the couch beside Sam, she was so full her stomach hurt and moving around made it worse. The others had brought out the alcohol, and were now drinking and sharing stories around the table. They made so much noise that she did not envy Rowan and Aedion enhanced hearing at the moment at all.

She looked over at Sam and found him already looking at her. He was suppressing a smile, very badly though, and his eyes were filled with humour, love and something else she couldn't put her finger on.

«What?» she asked, and her own mouth tilted up into a smile. Sam laughed and slung an arm around her.

«Nothing. I just find it funny the way you and Rowan interact...» a slight mischievous look entered his eyes, and Aelin tilted her head in question and raised an eyebrow. «It's almost like you've been married or something.»

A choking sound followed by liquid being splurted out came from the dining table, and Sams eyes darted up to look then focused back on her. She could hear Aedion asking whoever had choked if he was alright, but she heard no further response.

She was about to ask Sam what ever had given him that idea, when the door swung open and Dorian strode in followed by a gaggle of women.

No, not women. Witches. Three of them she recognized as Manon, Asterin and Sorrel. They had been there when she had fought Manon at the temple that fell down into the ravine, but the other three witches where unknown to her. Maybe they were a part of the hazy, unreadable memories still trapped inside head.

Aelin got up and went over to the newly arrived group to greet them. Sam followed her, keeping close in case the stranger were a threat.

«Well met, Witch,» Aelin nodded towards the three strangers. «And who are these pretty ladies?» She eyed them up and down, warriors, all three of them. Manon grunted.

«The Crochan witches, they are interested in joining the alliance.» Manon said, the witch seemed more relaxed then her usual stature. Interesting. Aelin placed her hands her hips, and eyed the witches with renewed interest and grinned at them.

«That sounds like music to my ears, and what good timing too.» Aelin met the gaze of the brown haired one who seemed to be the leader. «I am Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, and it's a pleasure to meet witches who are less snarly than Manon.»

Manon pursed her lips, but the brown haired witch just laughed. «It's an honour to meet you, your highness. I am Rhiannon, Princess of the Crochan witches.» Rhiannon took a step closer to Aelin. «I am curious though, as to what you meant about good timing.»

«Before I indulge you on all our plans, I'd like to hear your terms for this alliance, what you want to get out of it.» Aelin said, and Rhiannon smiled again. She was quite easy going, this witch, much more kindhearted than the others she's met before.

«Our terms are simple, we help you with you war and you aid us with ours. From what Manon told us the Ironteeth alliance are joining the Valg, so us joining forces against them would be a smart move.»

What luck, it had been mere hours since they had been discussing their wyrdhound problem. And now help has fallen right into their laps. Aelin reached out a hand to Rhiannon, who grabbed it firmly.

«Sounds good to me, my new friend.» Aelin said as they shook hands.

The rest of the evening went to fill in the witches on their plans fir the clock tower and the king, then they spent some hours shuffling pieces around to accommodate for the new fighters. Rhiannon had brought five hundred witches, who were camped outside the city, and more was being rounded up from their hiding spots across the continent.

The more the better. They needed as many as they could get before they set course for Morath and the keys hidden there. She just hoped that they could catch Erawan of guard, and steal the keys before he got the chance to use them in battle.

At the end of the day, and everyone had gone of to wherever they slept, Aelin tumbled exhausted into bed. As she was falling asleep she remembered that she never got to ask Sam what he had meant earlier, but she drifted of before she mustered the energy to ask him.

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