Chapter 8

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Celaena startled awake, breathing heavily through her mouth. It wasn't a nightmare. No, it was the same dream she'd dreamt the last few nights. She couldn't make any sense of it, but she somehow knew that she had to. It was important somehow.

The faces, the voices. It all just blended in with everything that happened in the dream, which always ended with the same words. Let's begin. The words for some reason made her skin crawl, and chills ran up her back.

As if sensing that she was awake Sam draped an arm around her and pulled her close, as he had the other nights she had awoken from the dream as well. She turned her face into his chest and breathed him in, his scent calming her rioting mind and restless thoughts.

He began to slowly stroke her hair. «A bad dream?» he mumbled into the top of her head, and his hand was now going up and down her arm.

«No, not really.» she said quietly. «It was just... strange, and it's the same one as before.» she put a hand to his bare chest and looked up at his face. «I'm sorry I woke you up,» she kissed his chin, «go back to sleep, I'm fine.»

«Are you sure, you don't want to talk about the dream?»

«Right now you need sleep. I'll tell you about it over dinner.»

«But...» she put a finger on his lips, effectively stopping his words.

«I'm fine, Sam. Now stop being an overprotective ass, and go back to sleep before I knock you out myself.» The reverberations from his laughter sent a warm tingling sensation throughout her body, and her toes curled at the feeling.

He rolled them over, pinning her beneath him. «Is that so? I'd like to see you try.» he said, and from the rays of moonlight leaking in from the curtains she could see his wicked, mischievous grin. Then he kissed her. A slow, deep and passionate kiss. She felt the desire bloom inside her as she returned the kiss with equal fervor.


Celaena woke up when the sun was almost at its peak. She rubbed her still sleepy eyes, and sat up in bed. Glancing around the room Yrene had procured for them, so that they could have some privacy, she noted that Sam had gone out.

At the nightstand she found a tray of food and a note.

I hope you slept well the rest of the night. You didn't manage to knock me out, though, which means I won this round!

I've gone into the city to look for work, maybe I'll find something today. Don't get into trouble while I'm away.

I love you

She couldn't keep the silly grin from spreading. Blushing as her mind went back to their little make out session as she lifted the tray of food unto her lap. He might have won this time, but next time he would be the one left reeling with a heart racing like a horse galloping through the desert.

She poured a mountain of sugar into her porridge when someone knocked on the door.

«Come in» she said.

She ate a spoonful just as Yrene stepped into the room, and sat down on the stool.

«The daily routine check, I presume.» Celaena said in between bites of food.

It was, and Celaena continued eating her food as Yrene went through the motion, using her magic to examine her head.

«Mhm, interesting.»

«What is?» Celaena hoped there was nothing else wrong, like a brain injury that had gon undetected until now or something. If that was the case, it would probably explain the strange reoccurring dream.

«Your concussion is all gone, it's healed. I've never seen it heal within three days before, quite remarkable.»

«Well, there's no one quite like me.» she smirked. «So does this mean I can finally explore the city?» Celaena really hoped that were nothing else keeping her now, she felt so restless after just a few days of doing nothing but reading.

Yrene gave an affirmative nod, and Celaena jumped out of bed to get her clothes. She had seen enough of the Torre for now, it was time to see the busy city streets.


Sam hurried through the streets and weaving between people, making his way back to the Torre. Soon the tower loomed before him and he was at the gates. And apparently so was Celaena. She was looking in the other direction, not noticing his approach at all.

Grinning mischievously he snuck up behind her, grabbed her around the waist then lifted her and spun her around. A surprised gasped escaped her, and she tried wriggle out of his grasp. He laughed as he sat her down, and she turned to glare at him, but she couldn't hide the amusement shining in her eyes.

«I got a job, as a guardsman.» he told her. «My first day starts tomorrow.»

«Congratulations!» she released a merry laugh, and threw her arms around his neck. Sam couldn't look away from the happiness in her eyes, as he wove his arms around her, hugging her tightly to him.

They spent the rest of the day together. Walking hand in hand down the many streets of Antica. Until Celaena let go of his hand and disappeared into a store he hadn't noticed.

Sam went inside in time to see Celaena approach the ancient looking shopkeeper.

«Hello. My name is is Celaena, and I wondered if you wanted an assistant to help around the store.»

Sam wondered what caught her interest, and looked around the store. It was filled dog equipment in all shapes and sizes, and one wall was covered with all sorts of dog treats. Behind the counter was an open door, he couldn't see much but he heard shuffling noises coming from the room.

He looked back at the old woman, who was visibly contemplating the idea. The woman looked at Celaenas eager, and almost pleading, face.

«I do need an extra set of hands around here, you can begin tomorrow.» the old shopkeeper smiled as Celaena practically beamed.

«Thank you so much, I will do my very best.»

After a few minutes of small talk they said their goodbyes, and went on their way back to the Torre. As they left the store Sam turned to read the worn sign: Dog Care and Adoption.

Sam sighed with mock sadness. «And here I was, looking forward to seeing you as a barmaid.» he slung an arm around her shoulders and met her sparkling eyes.

«Well, tough luck, hot-shot. Besides since you already found a job, there was no need for that nonsense barmaiding stuff, remember.»

He just laughed and tugged her close to his side. Finally things were falling into place, and their new life could begin.

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