Chapter 32

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The city was sleeping beneath a heavy blanket of fresh snow as the thief nimbly made his way to the huge mansion. The moon was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds, cloaking the world in darkness.

When he reached the mansion, he pried open a window and slipped inside. The hallway was cloaked in darkness, and was cold and deserted. Everyone most likely kept close to a heat source unless they absolutely had to go somewhere. Perfect, getting out wouldn't be too hard, even with an extra person.

He kept to the shadows as he made his way to the solitary tower, where he was told he would find his target. The sound of soft footsteps reached him from down the hallway. He quickly hid behind a red curtain, and waited until the sound receded into the distance.

He reached a flight of stairs that spiraled up, and he silently hurried up. Pale light shone at the top of the stairs, and he hunched down to stay hidden. One guard. It would have been a problem, if the guard hadn't been sound asleep.

He quietly unsheathed a dagger, and snuck closer to the guard on near soundless feet. He raised the dagger and swung it hard hilt first into the guards head. That would keep him down for a bit. He quickly found the keys in the guards pocket, and silently unlocked the door.

He closed the door behind him and surveyed the room. Small, a fireplace, a desk and a bed. That was all. He went over to the bed where a small figure slept, and he clamped his hand over her mouth.

The girl startled awake, but he kept his hold on her mouth to keep her from screaming. «Hush, please be quiet, my Lady.» he hastily whispered and the girl stopped squirming, she stared at him. «I'll explain later, pack some clothes, we need to move quickly.» he said and removed his hand from her mouth.

«But the chain...» she whispered, and gestured to her foot. Right, that had been mentioned in the letter he received, and he had brought some tools to try to cut it. He hastily fished out the small saw from his jacket, and behan working on the chain link closest to her ankle. The metal band around the ankle would have to be dealt with later.

He finally got the long, rattling chain off, and glanced at the door. It was silent outside, so far. «Pack your clothes. Hurry.» he whispered to her, but she was already on her way as soon as the chain was of. He went to the door while girl changed her clothes and packed. He cracked the door open to look outside.  The guard was still knocked out, but that could change any second.

«Ready.» the girl said. She held a small bag, apparently she didn't have much. He removed his cloak from his shoulders and flung it around hers, pulling the hood up to hide her face. He motioned for her to follow, and keep quiet. He locked the door to the tower room and put the keys back in the guards pocket, then they quickly went down the stairs.

At ground level he opened a window, hopped out then help her climb out as well. Then they hurried away from the mansion and towards where he had a horse ready. Snow had begun falling again. Good that would cover their tracks.

«Who... who are you, sir?» she said between panting breaths, as they hurried through the streets. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

«Nox Owen, Master Thief of Perranth, my Lady. I received orders from our Princess to get you away from your uncle.» he quickly explained. Her breath hitched.

«She... the Princess is... is alive? You met her?» she stuttered.

«I haven't seen her. I got a letter with the royal seal and her signature.» he said. They had reached the horse now, and he quickly made sure that everything they needed was in place, then he tied her belongs to the saddle too. He mounted and offered her hand up. She grasped it after hesitating slightly, and he pulled her up in front of him.

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