Chapter 47

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As the second day in Skulls Bay was coming to an end, Aelin stood at the docks watching Rowan fly out to the Fae and Ashryver armada to prepare for departure. She sighed heavily, and stuffed her hands into her pockets.

Rolfe had been avoiding her all day, and he was always ever so busy whenever she had tried to arrange a meeting with him. She spun around and made her way back to the Sea Dragon Inn, maybe she could intercept him there.

Aedion and Galan came striding down the street with their bags slung over their shoulders. She waved at them, then met them halfway. «Any of you seen the elusive captain?» she asked.

«No, not all day. We were heading out to the ships, unless you need us here that is.» Aedion said. She shook her head.

«Just go ahead, I'm going to try my luck at his office. I'll see you two on the ship.» she gave an exasperated sigh, but smiled at them before continuing down the street towards her target.

She entered the Sea Dragon, and slumped down by one of the tables closest to the exit. The barmaid sauntered over to her, asking if she wanted anything, and Aelin ordered an ale. She might as well drink something while she was waiting around. The barmaid went back to the counter to get her the drink, and Arlin looked out across the room. Some patrons were present, but other than that the inn was quiet today.

The barmaid returned with the drink, and Aelin thanked her before turning her attention to the mug in front of her and took a sip. He had to come out at some point... hopefully. She glanced at her pocket watch, only four hours before they were leaving. She took several big gulps from her drink.

«At least you get to drink now.» she heard Rolfe say, and she lowered her mug to find him walking towards her table. She gave a wry smile.

«No stuffy mask to hold me back this time.» she looked him over, he seemed like he was on his way somewhere. Maybe he truly had been busy all day. He chuckled and pulled out a chair, sitting down across from her.

«Aren't you all leaving today?» he asked.

«Got a few more hours before we depart, I figured I should try your ale since I missed out last time.» she said lightly, and took another sip. It was good ale, not watered down like she expected it to be.

He stared at her for a long time, seeming to contemplate something. Exactly what he was looking for she did not know. «How big is Erawan's army?» he asked, and she leaned back in her chair, keeping her gaze fixed on him.

«We don't have an exact count, but he has been preparing for this for almost twenty years now. So my guess is that it's very big, which is why I need all the help I can get.»

The barmaid came to the table again, placing a mug of ale in front of Rolfe and refilled hers. Rolfe took a long sip before leaning on the table, once again with a contemplative look on his face. «I have only one question for you.» he said. She leaned her elbows on the table, gripping the mug between her hands.

«Then ask it.» she said calmly. She looked at him curiously, wondering what he could possibly want to ask about.

«Are you afraid?»

She blinked. She had not expected that one, though she probably should have. I'm not afraid of anything. She had said that to him once, it had been a lie of course, and maybe he had sensed that. She looked into her mug, mulling the question over in her head, how to best answer it.

«I am.» she met his gaze. «But not for myself. I am afraid of what can happen to those around me, what may happen to them if I make the wrong choices.» she bit the inside of her cheek, waiting for a reaction from the pirate before her. His expression did not change, and he continued to stare at her, reading her she realized.

«That's very different from your previous statement, if I remember correctly.» he raised his eyebrows at her. Her lips twitched into a small smile.

«Yes, it is, but this time it's the truth.» she searched his face, but he still did not reveal anything. He must have a reason to have brought this up. «Celaena Sardothien was as much a mask as the one I wore when we first met, a facade to keep myself safe.» she was beginning to feel a bit uneasy, and wished that Rowan was here right now, to have his strength close by. Rolfe took another sip from his drink.

«You've changed a lot since last time. Less arrogant, at least.» he said, with a half smile on his face. The uneasiness dissipated at that, and relief swept through her.

She huffed a laugh. «I'm saving the arrogance for a special occasion, who knows, it could be useful someday.» she said jokingly, and his smile became a grin.

He rose from his seat. «Use it sparingly, that's my advice.» He began walking towards the exit, then turned back to look her way. She rose as well, placing a few coins on the table for the drinks. He reached a hand out to her, she glanced at it, then looked at him questioningly. «My men are ready, we set sail whenever you give the order, Princess.» he said, still grinning. It took her a second before his words clicked, and she grabbed his hand and shook it.

«You had me waiting all day on purpose, didn't you?» she said. The answering chuckle was answer enough, and she couldn't keep her own grin from growing.

«I couldn't resist when I noticed your efforts to get a meeting with me.» he again turned to the exit, and walked out of the inn. Aelin followed him out into the dirty streets.

«Then I assume that I can visit Skulls Bay in the future without fearing for my life, or does your promise still hold, Captain?» she said, while walking beside him towards the docks. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

«You don't need to worry about that, we are allies now after all.»

A cool breeze whispered through her hair, and she took a deep breath. Home, it didn't seem so far away anymore. She turned to face Rolfe fully. «Let's set sail for Ilium, Captain.»

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