Chapter 36

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By the brightness of the sun, Rowan could tell that it was already past midday. He sat up and looked down at the woman sprawled on the bed next to him. She was lying on her stomach, resting her head on her arms sleeping deeply. The blanket had slipped down and only covered her lower body, leaving her nearly unscarred back exposed to him.

A few minor scars from her time as an assassin were present but not those he had once tattooed over. He wondered if she would like a tattoo anyway, he made a mental note to ask her sometime. He leaned down on an elbow next to her, and slowly began stroking her up and down her spine. She purred a little in her sleep but did not wake up, she was probably exhausted from their nightly adventure.

When she had entered the bedroom in that nightgown, all of his mind could think of was how much he wanted her, all of her. It felt good, to finally have her back, truly back. She was his, and he would lay down his life for her. He breathed in deeply, drawing in her wonderful scent that made his blood go crazy.

The nightgown had not survived the night however, it now lay in pieces on the floor. He could still hear the sound she had made when he ripped it off her, how his body responded to that sound. He kissed her shoulder and she stirred slowly waking up from her slumber.

She rolled unto her back and squinted at the brightness of the room. He watched as she stretched her arms and arched her back, then she gave him lazy, sleepy smile. «How long have you been staring at me while i slept?» she asked, snuggling close against his side.

«Not long enough.» he said gruffly, and tucked her hair away and stroked the scar on her cheek, then kissed her forehead tenderly.


A week later they were met by a immigration ship from Wendlyn, and since they only accept women this would be their first challenge.

The three of them, hooded and cloaked, made their way towards the plank joining the two ships and the immigrant official who checked each and everyone who wanted to cross it. He took one glance at her companions and his brows furrowed. «Only women may board.» he said sternly.

«They're with me.» she simply said.

«Doesn't matter miss, either you go without them or you stay behind with them.» he said with pursed lips.

«Whatever will my uncle say when I tell him that you denied my friends access to Wendlyn...» she mused. «Uncle Glaston surely won't be happy with you, that's for sure.» she said innocently.

«Right, I see, of course you are related to the royal family. Just like everyone else trying to sneak in.» the officer said mockingly. «Well, if you truly are an Ashryver, as you claim, then that will be easy to prove. Show me your eyes, and tell me your name, girl.»

She reached up and pulled down her hood, revealing her golden hair and her blues eyes. «My name is Aelin Ashryver Galathynius. My companions are my cousin Prince Aedion Ashryver, and my betrothed Prince Rowan Whitethorn.» she said as Aedion and Rowan too removed their hoods. She looked to Aedion, the other side of her fair coin.

The officer blanched at her words, then carefully examined her face, her eyes specifically. Then he did the same to Aedion. He blinked at them both, then his face went slack. «You... you're alive. Everyone says you died that day, Your Highness.» he said, shock and awe coating his every word. She smiled gently at him.

«I am aware, my good sir. I escaped the assassin and have been in hiding since then. Only recently was I reunited with my dear cousin.»

The officer bowed, then gestured for them to board the next ship. «Then it is my honour to welcome you to Wendlyn, Princess, I will personally escort you to Varese.» he said as they boarded the ship one by one, Rowan always staying close by her.

«That is nice of you, but only Aedion will be going to Varese, Rowan and I have business elsewhere. We will go to Varese once that is taken care of.» she said, then strode towards the front of the ship. Rowan stayed behind, talking with the officer while the sails were lowered. Not long now until they stood at Maeve's doorstep, not long until that old bitch burns for what she did.

Aedion stepped up beside her. «So are you two going to stink up this ship too?» he said, trying to sound nonchalant about it. Aelin did her best to suppress her smirk, apparently their activities hadn't gone unnoticed.

«I never stink, cousin.» she just said sweetly, but her insides tightened with the laughter she kept at bay.

«Could you, uhm, at least cover up the bite marks? Wear a scarf or something.» he asked awkwardly.

«Why should I? I'm not ashamed to show that we are a couple, so why hide his marks?» she gave him a pointed look, daring him to continue with this discussion. Aedion just shrugged, then slung an arm around her shoulders.

«So you two are betrothed now?» he asked, and raised an eyebrow at her. This time she did laugh, and looked up at him.

«Are you honestly surprised by that?» she asked, smirking at him, as his laughter rumbled from his chest.

«Not at all, cousin.» he said and winked at her.

The ship slowly picked up speed, then shot forward as Rowan propelled the winds into the sails. When they reached the treacherous reefs surrounding Wendlyns coastline, Rowan eased up the winds to slow down the ship, making sure they did not barrel into i reef and capsize.

Closing in on Wendlyn, Aelins nerves began to slowly fray. Maeve had already captured her once before, who was to say it wouldn't happen again? What if she had spies reporting their advances, preparing her for their arrival? She must have noticed Rowan's absence by now... Aelin closed her eyes trying to calm her raging heart. No. She could not succumb to fear now. They had trained for this, she was ready to face Maeve. And she and Rowan would make her pay with her blood, with her life, and they would enjoy every rutting moment of it.

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