Chapter 22

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Wesley stalked down the the many corridors of the Shadow Market, passing all the different shops that sells all kinda of contraband and elicit substances thinkable.

He turned down another hallway and came to a stop in front of the Opium dealers store. The dealer had refused all their offers for his batch of hellfire, even claiming that he did not have it. But of course they already knew that he did and even where it was hidden.

Wesley entered the shop casually and made his way to the counter. The opium dealer heaved a heavy sigh and braced his hands on the counter in front of him.

«For the last time, no I don't have what you seek, neither do I know where you can get it.» the dealer said before Wesley could open his mouth. It was almost funny, how adamantly denies to have anything to do with the substance. He probably thought that he worked for the authorities or something.

«I was hoping this would help your memory.» Wesley said slowly placing a heavy bag of coin between them.

«And what would make you think that?» the dealer crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at him. «There's no memory to remember.»

The man was stubborn as a mule. But no matter, Wesley only needed to keep him busy for awhile.


Sam trailed after Aelin and Rowan down the sewers. He wasn't exactly needed for this part of the mission, after all the pair in front of him had done this once before and knew exactly where to go. But still he came with them instead of going to oversee the progress with the rebels.

Something was changing, he could feel it in his gut, in his heart even.

I love you, Sam. You know that right? That's what she had said a few days ago. But it hadn't felt like a proclamation of love, it had felt more like she tried to convince herself. What was he, an ordinary human, compared to an extremely handsome fae warrior-prince with ice and wind magic?

No, he couldn't think like that. He had to show her that he is worth it, that he is just as good as Rowan. She laughed at something Rowan said, but Sam had been too far behind to hear it. Sam hurried his steps to catch up to Aelin, to walk side by side with her. When he came up beside her she looked up at him and smiled. He loved that smile, how it made her freckles dance across her face, how it made her eyes light up.

«Here we are.» Rowan said quietly and stopped by an old grate. Aelins attention wandered back to Rowan has he loosened the grate and opened it.

Aelin hopped into the hole first, and Sam followed close behind. In the few seconds alone in the dark, Sam seized the opportunity to plant a quick kiss on her nose that set her giggling. He heard Rowan land quietly on the floor behind them, and Sam grabbed Aelins hand in his own.

«This way.» Rowan said curtly as he looked Aelin in the eyes. It seemed like they somehow communicated that way, they definitely had when he walked in on them the other day and Aelin had been blushing madly. He swallowed hard.

Slowly they made their way through the ancient bone catacombs. He held on to Aelins hand as they followed the fae prince towards their destination.


The opium dealer looked like he was about to burst after Wesleys one hundredth attempt at gleening any information about the hellfire. It was probably time to go, and he could only hope that the others had gotten their hands on it.

He snatched up his coin purse just as the dealer snapped.

«Out! Get out right now or you'll regret that you ever set foot in my store!»

Wesley held up his hands while backed away towards the door. «Sorry for wasting your time, sir.» He mumbled as he left and headed back to the warehouse apartment.


When they made it back to the apartment Wesley was already waiting for them.

«Well, did you get it?» Wesley asked as Aelin shut the door behind her.

«We did.» Rowan answer in his usual curtly manner as he sat down in one of the chairs by the fireplace.

Aelin headed for the kitchen. She was hungry and tired. Tired of the sneaking around, but also tired because of the tense atmosphere that had followed them around all day.

Opening the cooling box Aelin found some left over pear tart, perfect. She smiled to herself as she sat down by the table, and munched down on the tart. She felt... torn, now that her feelings for Rowan were in full bloom. It overwhelmed her a little actually, he had quite literally walked through time and space for her, to save her. She knew, could feel it in her heart, that what they had was amazing and wonderful, and she relished the emotions coursing through her. But at the same time she felt like she was betraying Sam. She loved Sam, she truly did, but she loved Rowan too.

To whatever end. Their words, their promise. And he had followed through on that, sacrificing his own happiness to save her life. She couldn't imagine what it was like, to be in love with someone and having to watch that person love someone else.

«Why the gloomy face?» Sam said as he entered the kitchen, and sat down across from her. She gave him wry smile.

«I was just going through the plans, that's all.» she said. «Everything needs to be perfect.» she popped another piece of pear tart into her mouth, and chewed on it slowly.

From the look on Sams face she knew that he didn't fall for the lie, he knew her too well. But he didn't call her out on it, thankfully. She didn't know what to do, how to talk to him about her whirlwind of confusing feelings. So instead of talking further she just kept eating her tart in silence.

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