Chapter 18

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Well I just realized that little Aedion has only had a couple of paragraphs so far. Time for some Aedion pov ^_^

Aedion rolled his shoulders as he stared out across the snowy hills of Terrasen, a brisk wind stung his cheeks and ruffled his hair. He had received orders from the king of Adarlan to travel down to Rifthold for some important war meeting.

Despite that he was excited to go there, because of the letter he had received just yesterday. He chuckled as he thought about the letter from his long lost cousin.

My sweet, dear cousin Aedion,

I write to you now to let you know that I am alright, that I didn't succumb to a horrible end that dreadful day. I was saved by a man who helped me hide from my enemies, that is until he himself became one.

These years I have lived in the capital of Adarlan, so close to my greatest enemy that he never thought to look for me there. At the moment I am with friends and allies on the Southern Continent, but I will shortly return to Rifthold to end what began years ago.

I know that you are a general in his army, but I also know that your heart still belongs to me. So I ask you to gather whatever allies we have left in the north, and tell them that I am on my way home.

Also, Rowan wants to know if you received the letter he sent months ago, after he had sent it he realized that you might not believe it had been real. Well, it was. Now stop sitting on your lazy ass and get a move on to the capital, because I want to give you a hug worth nine years of worrying about me.

With all my love

Ps: I have considered your offer from back then, and I have come to the conclusion that I am too fond of libraries. So don't burn any on your way down here.

He swallowed back the emotions that rose up inside him. She was alive, really truly alive. Her scent hade been all over the letter, and there was no way anyone could have faked that particular scent.

Not only was she alive, but she was going to fight the empire. The thought of her in the way of harm had his heart skip a beat. He would do everything in his power to keep her far away from the fighting that was bound to occur.

Two weeks, and he would reach Rifthold. Two weeks, and he would finally meet his queen, the queen he had mourned for nine years. Aedion jumped back unto his horse and set course for the home of his enemies, and for the warm smiles of his queen.


Time had flown by quickly the past few weeks. Her days had been filled with work at the Dog Care, making plans with her friends and a lot of magic training. She couldn't quite believe it though, that she was actually doing this. Not many months ago had she been unable to even think about her heritage, and now she was moving to reclaim it.

Some parts of their plan were already in motion. In fact Dorian had begun the very same day Rowan had told them all of what he had done to give them a chance at winning this war. Well, a second chance.

Dorian had focused solely on making friends with the royals, and slowly accidentally leaking  information so that whoever spies where around would retell it to their masters. Dorian also made sure that his disdain for his fathers way of doing things were well known as well, and how much he admired the kaghanate system.

During those weeks Yrene had informed Aelin that prince Sartaq had been the one who had rescued her, so Aelin decided that a written thank you letter were in order, signed with her initials and a horrible sketch of the stag constellation. She hoped those hints would be enough to let him know who exactly he had brought to Antica that day.

Saying goodbye to Frey and the dogs at the store had been the hardest part. She had loved that job, every minute of it had made her happy. She would miss Old Frey. She hadn't had a mother figure in nine years, and Frey had crept into her heart during their time together. Aelin had taken a big chunk of Rowans money and hid it inside the safe in Freys apartment, with a tiny note inside the bag of money. The note was a thank you for the advice that had helped take this monumental step, and also a confession of who she had taken in under her roof. She really hoped that she would meet Old Frey again some day.

Now she was resting on the huge bed on the ship that now lazily rocked with the waves. She was on her back staring up at the roof as she stroked her fingers through Sams hair. Sam was lying on top of her, his head resting on her breasts. She closed her eyes, feeling the weight of the man on top of her.

«If this ship sinks too, then I'll issue a royal decree banning all further use of these treacherous vessels.» she mumbled. Sams rumbling laughter made warmth spread inside her.

«Then your armada would be wholly ineffective.» he mumbled into her chest.

«We don't have one, so that wouldn't be a problem.» she laughed. She stroked Sams shoulders, the muscle there had become harder after he began training with Rowan. Even if Sam wasn't as fast and strong as a fae, he certainly would have an advantage now that he trained with one.

Sam got up on his elbows to look into her eyes, and gave her a half grin. «What about the trade then?»

«Ever heard about a horse and carriage. Very reliable, and they don't sink to the bottom of the ocean when there's bad weather.»

He chuckled again and nestled back down unto her chest, and she resumed playing with his hair long into the night. She lay awake long after Sam had fallen asleep, her mind couldn't stop thinking about her cousin, who was now probably on his way to the capital as well. She couldn't wait to introduce him and Sam.

Hope you liked it ^_^

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