The Invitation

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To Mr. Chimonac Alvarez:
June 26, 2018

                  Good morning! We are inviting you to study at Arthit High School on August 28, 2018. The school year 2018-2019.

                    Here in Arthit High School, every student is well disciplined. The learning of each one student is on the first list of our priorities. We also offer a different kind of activities that for sure you might like and enjoy.

                    Arthit High School is not the kind of school you want to miss. So, we're inviting you to experience the fun that only in Arthit High you will find. Don't let this opportunity slip out of your hand.

                    We are expecting your response to this letter.

                    You can email us on if you have any questions to ask or just simply fill-up the form attached to this invitation/letter. After you fill up this form, kindly bring/submit it to the municipal hall near your place.

                    Thank you so much! See you in Arthit High School on August 28, 2018. The opening of our classes.


Mrs. A.
The School Registrar.

HELL BOOTH (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon