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"Kim Mingyu!"

I yelled while approaching the said boy. He looked in my direction and smiled. "Chou Sana!" He yelled back happily.

I finally reached him and because of his height, I had to look up a bit.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked while looking at the stuff in his hands. "Uhh, fixing these stuff in my locker of course." He said while arranging the set of papers he had in hand.

Just then, something caught my eye. "What's this pink envelop for?" I asked while holding it up. He calmly took it away from me and said "That's a birthday card for my mother, would you calm down, squirrel." He laughed.

"Besides, she's not even around. I'm not even planning on going near her today." He said, continuing on what he was doing. "I swear, if that's for my sister..." I started.

"But, it's not." He butted in. "Would you let me finish?"

"Ok ok, I'm sorry. Go on." I took a deep breath. "If that's for my sister, I don't know what I'll do to you."

He went quiet for a while as he finishes what he was doing. A few seconds later, he smiled. What a creep.

"Well, you won't do anything, because you love me" he smiled cheekily

Weirdo. "Shut up!" I yelled and slowly walking away from the tall dude. "But you love me!" He yelled back.

"Whatever" I said

He laughed again. "See you in class, San."

"You too, Gyu" I said to him and continued walking to the room.

You guys are probably wondering who I am. Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Chou Sana, 18 years old. I'm currently studying in Sapphire High and I'm also in 3rd Year Highschool.

The guy you just met earlier, that was Kim Mingyu, a good friend of mine, and also my classmate.

He's also one of the most popular guys in school. In fact, there are 4 of them. But not the F4 kind of type, definitely not. They're just really good friends.

He's also known for his visuals and talent in rapping.  Now moving on to my story. I'm actually an overprotective sister. I'm pretty sure you already noticed that.

Well the reason for this is...

🕘 Flashback 🕘

(3 years ago)

"Unnie! I'll head over to Chaeng's place. Don't worry, I'll be back before curfew" shouted my little dongsaeng

"It's past six in the evening, what are you guys gonna do anyways?" I asked as I looked at the clock

"Unnie, don't you remember that it's a Saturday? Mom and Dad said I could do anything on weekends" she explained

"Dahyunnie will be there too, anyways" she added

Usually at times like this, I would let her go. But why is it that I feel like something bad is gonna happen?

Well for instance, she never goes passed her curfew. Her friends will be there. And it's just a 5 minute walk. Maybe I'll let her go.

The kid's still a kid. "Ok you can go. I'll inform Mom and Dad about it." I said as she cheered happily.

"Yayy! Thank you unnie!" She said and hugged me.

"Take care. I love you!" I shouted before she headed out.

"Love you too!" She said as she closed the door.

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