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"Guys! I've got an announcement" Mingyu said as he arrived at our library table. We are all currently sitting on our usual table in the library. 'We' as in Tzuyu, Dino, JB, Mingyu, and I.

Once again, it's free time and we clearly have nothing to do. So we all decided to just go here. "What is it Gyu?" Jaebum asked.

"Did you guys know how handsome I look today?" Here we go again... "Umm, where's the handsome part?" Tzuyu asked simply.

"Woahhh!! Savage!" We all yelled. This caused Mingyu to pout and just sat down silently.

"This is why we love you, Tzu." We all turned around to look at who said that. Especially me because, well, you know why. But when we saw who it was, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, hey Grandma! Hey Grandpa!" Tzuyu greeted while waving her hand.

"Tzu, we told you to stop calling us that."

"But it's still the truth, Nayeon noona" Dino said

"What did you just say, Dinosaur?"

"Woah! Jeongyeon chill! We didn't mean to insult your girlfriend" I said

That was Im Nayeon and Yoo Jeongyeon. Also one of our closest friends.

Nayeon is one of our seniors while Jeongyeon is my classmate.
We were all friends for a long time and since they act like an old married couple (even though they're not even dating), we usually call them 'Grandma' & 'Grandpa'.

Actually JB's older than Nayeon by about a year but he's our classmate. Well, this is because he started school late. Suddenly we heard someone barge in the library...

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!" The person said. "Shh! Lower down your voice Mr. Wang." The librarian scolded.

"Ohh, sorry." The said guy apologized and bowed. "Jackson hyung!" Dino greeted and held out his hand as they did a bro-handshake.

Now the last person of our F4, Jackson Wang. He was already well known ever since he was new here because he was an exchange student. He's from China to be specific. He's also known for his rapping skills. He could also dance very well.

He speaks English, Mandarin, Korean, and other more languages fluently so he's known to be multi-lingual.

"I'm really sorry that I'm late guys. Couldn't get out from the crowd of girls again." The Chinese said while sitting down. Hearing this, the others, including me, laughed.

"What did they do or give this time?" JB asked with tears of joy in his eyes. "Juice" Jackson simply replied. "Who wants it this time?" He added.

"Nahh" all replied. "You can have it, oppa. Besides, that's for you anyways." Nayeon unnie said. Jackson sighed in defeat. He doesn't really like it when girls give him stuff and he doesn't even drink, eat, or use it. That's why he usually gives it to us.

"You should be thankful Jackson, hyung. Lots of people adore you." Dino said. "Akkinda" Mingyu added while dancing the point choreography of the lyric.

Jackson seemed to be irritated with all those praises but he didn't want to show it and just had to deal with it all. "So... what are we gonna do now?" I asked.

We all stopped and thought for a while. We didn't really have a plan on what we wanna do for our free time. "Umm boardgames?" Jeongyeon suggested.

Too boring...

"We always do that. Kinda getting old." Tzuyu said. "Do we have any tasks to do?" JB asked. We all looked at each other and shook our heads.

"How about you guys eat?" A familiar voice said and we looked to see who it was.

And I wasn't mistaken...

"Hi Momo unnie!" My little sister greeted

It was my Japanese friend. Hirai Momo. The school's Dancing Mochine. And I wasn't surprised that she was bringing a bag of cookies with her.

"So are you guys gonna take my advice? You've got 10 minutes til next period, still enough time to mess in the cafeteria." Momo said which made us all agree.

As we reached the cafeteria, we ordered some food and started eating on our usual table. It was only us in the canteen so we were able to order quickly.

Just then, someone unexpectedly arrived in the room. We tilted our head to the person's direction and almost choked on our food.

Especially Momo, who was already begging for water.

"Im Jaebum." The person called. JB immediately stood up and swallowed his food quickly. "Yes?"

The person walked closer which made us all nervous. "Meeting later, after school. In the principal's office for Student's Fair."

"Uhh, yes Jihyo." JB coughed. After that short conversation, Jihyo left.

Park Jihyo. She's the president of the Student's Council.

"Hey JB what was that?" Jackson asked in English, luckily the older understood.

"Nothing." He replied in English as well and sat down. "Why are you always nervous around Jihyo?" Jeongyeon asked.

"What about you guys? You nearly died from choking earlier." He defended. Ohh, quit the act JB. It's obvious you like Miss President.

"You like her don't you?" We teased. And as expected, he denied. "No, I don't like anyone." He quickly fired back.

"Denial!!" All of us yelled.

"Shut up! You guys will be late for class! You'll be put into detention!" He said, well more like yelled, just to change the subject.

I find it cute though. The fact that Jaebum likes Jihyo. If it's actually real, I'll definitely support it. Jaehyo FTW!!

"Changing the topic, huh? We teased once again. I guess he had enough of this because his chin started showing. That usually happens when he's mad or something.

"Fine then, I'll tell Jihyo to put you guys in detention." He said and took out his phone. "Yiieee!!!" We all yelled before running out of the cafeteria.


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