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"Tzuyu, I'm scared." Sana said. The younger girl comforted her. "Shh, it's gonna be, okay. So far they haven't said anything, but we'll be fine." Tzuyu assured her. The two were sitting on Sana's bed.

"I hope so." Sana mumbled and let out a heavy sigh. Tzuyu shifted closer to her and engulfed her in a hug. After what happened the day before, Sana and Tzuyu went back home with their parents. The car ride was silent and awkward because of when they walked in on them.

"Look..." Tzuyu spoke. "I know this is a bad time, but listen to me..." She said. Sana only stayed silent as she listened to the younger girl.

"I actually feel the same way as you. That thing that happened in Nayeon unnie's party, I was just so shocked. I didn't expect that you'd do that. I didn't know you also felt the same way." Tzuyu said. There was that sparkle in Sana's eyes when she heard that from her.

"I was so scared to admit it, even to myself." Tzuyu said. Sana knew what that felt like. "That's what I thought too." Sana admitted. "You know, I even forced myself to be close with Seobin cuz I wanted to get rid of those feelings. Now, I kinda regret that I did that." Tzuyu said.

"I don't know if you know this, but I actually slept beside you when you were drunk. That was also the same time you told me that drunk people don't lie and that you truly loved me."

Sana smiled at the thought. "I remember that." She whispered. "And um, I kissed you yesterday because I wanted to reciprocate your feelings." Tzuyu said. "Sorry if that startled you." She said.

"That's okay. I admit, I felt relieved and scared at the same time and I didn't know what was the reason why you kissed me." Sana admitted. Tzuyu pecked Sana's cheek. "Sorry, I didn't know I'd be this affectionate." She chuckled.

"It's fine, I don't mind. But I'm the affectionate one, don't steal my title from me." Sana joked. Tzuyu laughed along with her. "Well, I didn't know this was going to be easier than I thought it would be." Tzuyu said.

"Yeah, except, our only problem is--" Sana was cut off when they heard a knock on the door. "Sana, Tzuyu. It's breakfast time." Their father called.

The two gave each other a knowing look. "We'll be fine." Tzuyu whispered to her. They got up from the bed and proceeded to the kitchen.

The whole table was silent while eating breakfast. None of them talked until they all finished eating. "After breakfast, we want to talk to the both of you." Their mother spoke up while staring at the two younger kids. Sana was even more intimidated because her mother had her gaze on her.


Tzuyu and Sana sat in the couch while waiting for their parents to join them. After a while, their parents sat down with them.

"If you think we're going to be talking to you about what we saw yesterday, you're not entirely correct. We have something else to tell you guys." Their Dad spoke.

"We don't know how to start this..." Their mom trailed off. "We've wanted to tell you this for a long time." Their eyes were now on Sana.


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"We're not your biological parents." They said. That was when Sana's world stopped. She can't believe what she's heard. Tzuyu was also frozen on her seat.

"We'll explain to you, alright?" Their dad spoke softly. Sana just nodded.

"We were great friends with your parents ever since High School. Your father was a Japanese who was adopted by a Taiwanese family. Coincidence or not, his surname was also Chou but he isn't exactly related to us. Your mother, she was a Minatozaki. She was a transfer student from Japan."

"She and your dad fell in love with each other, but your mother's parents didn't like the idea of them together. Time passed by, your mom was pregnant with you. They didn't want your grandparents to find out."

"They ran away from them for 9 months. Then they had you. But they were so scared to tell your grandparents. So what they did, they gave you to us. We were already married that time. We agreed to take care of you, but we never exactly officially adopted you because your parents said they'd be back."

"We never knew they would take this long. To avoid complications, we still had to list your parents' names in your documents and everything. Like, in school, and everything."

Sana was still quiet in her seat. She was still processing everything that she was told. "Are you okay?" Her supposedly 'mother' asked. Tzuyu caressed her shoulder. Sana just smiled and nodded at them. "Yeah I just didn't expect to be hearing this."

"But um, thank you for everything that you've done for me." She thanked them. The married couple gave her a smile. They gave her a hug, and joined Tzuyu in.

"Do you want to meet them?" Her 'mom' asked. Sana's face lit up. "I can?" She asked. "Yeah, they've been wanting to see you in forever." Her 'dad' said.

"They're in Japan. We could contact them and arrange for a meet-up here." Sana smiled. "I'd loved that."

"Well, at least you'll still be a Chou, you know?"

"And your relationship with Tzuyu, you would get married and you'd still keep your surname." Sana and Tzuyu blushed. "Dad, stop, she's still adjusting, you know." Tzuyu laughed.

"Right, right. Now we'll go talk to your parents, okay?" Sana nodded. "Ok, thank you." The couple left the room.


Sana sighed. "Wow. The Lords have been good to us." She said. Tzuyu stared at her. "Are you okay?" She asked. Sana nodded. "Still processing everything. Maybe a bit disappointed. I mean, I really love them." She said.

Tzuyu walked closer to her. "If it makes you feel better, we could actually be together." She said. Sana looked at her. Tzuyu suddenly became nervous. "I-I mean. D-Do you want to?" Tzuyu stuttered.

Sana found her cute that she was nervous. She pecked the girl's lips in assurance. "I'd love that." She said.


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