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Seobin and Tzuyu were hanging out by her locker. The two looked like they had a really interesting conversation. Tzuyu laughed as Seobin told her a joke.

"As if it was that funny." Sana whispered. She was secretly watching the two. She clenched her fists as she watched them enjoy each other's presence. She saw Jaebum walk her way so she quickly pulled him aside.

"Oww! Sana, what are you doing?" He asked. "She's there with him. Give those flowers to her." She pointed at the roses that Jaebum was holding.

"What? These are for Jeonghwa!" He told her. "I'll buy you another one, just go!" She pushed him to Tzuyu's direction. JB turned back and glared at Sana.

He approached Tzuyu and fixed his hair. He stood in between Seobin and Tzuyu, pulling them apart. He smiled at the girl. "Hi Tzuyu. I got these for you." He said.

"Aww thanks JB oppa!" Tzuyu smiled. Seobin on the other hand was trying to catch her attention. "You're welcome, princess." Jaebum smiled and took her hand and kissed it before leaving.

Seobin's jaw dropped. Tzuyu kept her smile. "He's so sweet." She said as she smelled the flowers. "Yeah right." Seobin whispered while glaring at Jaebum from behind.

Jaebum walked frustratedly back to Sana. "Happy?" He asked. Sana nodded. "Thanks, now take her home." She said. JB refused. "Nope, I'm going to my girlfriend. Find the others, let them do it." He said.

Sana sighed frustratedly. "Fine." She turned back to Seobin and Tzuyu but they were already gone. She luckily found them outside. It was raining.

She found Jackson who was about to head out. "Jack!" She called. The boy turned to her. He raised an eyebrow. "Now?" He asked. Sana nodded.

"Take Tzuyu home with your car." She told him. "Are you serious?" He asked her. Sana nodded frantically. "Now, go!"

Jackson walked over Tzuyu and gave her his hoodie. "Here you go, Tzuyu." He said. "Thank you, Jackson oppa." Tzuyu thanked him.

"No problem. Come with me, I'm going to drive you home." He said. "Actually I was supposed to bring her home." Seobin interrupted him.

"No need, dude. I know where she lives." Jackson said. Seobin was about to speak. "But I--" Jackson interrupted him. "I have a car. And you look like you don't. So Bah Felicia!"

He didn't wait for his reply and he walked to his car with Tzuyu. Sana sighed in relief as Seobin frustratedly walked to his bike.


Momo: Girl u don't look good what's wrong?

Sana: Huh I'm completely fine

Sana: And how can u see me I'm in my house

Momo: I meant a while ago

Momo: You look like you were about to cut some baby makers

Momo: Did a guy flirt with ur girl?

Sana: She's not my girl

Sana: But yeah you're kinda right

Momo: U should stop that

Sana: I know...

Sana: Wait stop what?

Momo: This whole thing, you being jealous

Momo: Ur not even together, she's not ur girl u said so urself

Sana: I know, okay?? I just can't help it!

DON'T! • Satzu ☑️Where stories live. Discover now