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"Unnie, get up." Tzuyu patted Sana's shoulder. The girl was still asleep. She didn't budge. Tzuyu sighed and tried to wake her up again. "Unnie, wake up."

Sana groaned and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked. Tzuyu did a little dance. "It's summer time." She sang, quoting the lyrics from a song in High School Musical 2. She laughed sarcastically. "You wish." She said.

"It's time for you to take a shower." Tzuyu playfully slapped her sister's butt. Sana unconsciously let out a small moan. When she realized what she did, she covered her face with a pillow. "Uh, umm, I-I don't w-want to." She stuttered.

"It's time for school again, you're gonna be late." Tzuyu said. "Or do you want me to tickle you?" She teased. Sana removed the pillow from her face. "You wouldn't." She said.

Tzuyu smirked. "No, I will." She poked Sana's side. The older girl squirmed. "Yah!" She yelled and hit her with the pillow. "Then take a shower." Tzuyu said and was about to start tickling Sana but the girl already got out of her bed.

"You better hurry up or you're walking to school by yourself." Tzuyu said while leaving the room. "Why?" Sana asked. Tzuyu turned back. "Junhui oppa's going to drive us to school." She answered.


"We're lucky we don't live that far away. We can't be late for the first day of school. That could be another flaw in our reputation." Jun said as he parked the car.

"You mean another flaw in your reputation." Tzuyu shot back. Jun glared at the younger girl through the mirror. "Continue with that and you're walking home later." He said. Tzuyu shrugged. "I was kidding, but ehh I don't care. I have legs so it's not a problem to me."

"And it's not my fault, either. Sana unnie didn't want to get up." She added. Sana raised an eyebrow. "Don't involve me in this!" She told the girl. Tzuyu laughed evilly.

Jun opened the door. "Get out, you still have to introduce me to some people here." He said. The two girls went out of the car and the three of them walked into the school together.

There were a bunch of people that were staring at them. Most of them they didn't even know. Most girls were staring at Jun and most boys were staring at Tzuyu.

Sana couldn't help but feel jealous and annoyed. You have no right to feel this way, Sana. Get over it. She thought to herself. Tzuyu noticed Sana tensing up. Sana wasn't aware that she was giving death glares to those who were staring.

"You okay?" Tzuyu asked. Sana just smiled at her like nothing's wrong. "Yeah I'm fine." They stopped by their lockers.

"Hey Nyeac Nyeac!" Tzuyu called Junhui by his childhood nickname. "Yo what?" The boy looked at her. Tzuyu pointed at a locker. "This is yours. Have fun messing around with it." Tzuyu said.

Some of their friends passed by. "Hey guys!" Dino greeted. "Wassup people!" Mingyu followed along and then he saw Junhui. "Jun, bro!" He said and high-fived with him. Then, the boys were busy talking with each other.

Then, Momo and Dahyun appeared right behind them, with Dahyun's arm wrapped around Momo. "Wait, you guys are together?" Tzuyu asked, confused.

"Yeah, Sana unnie didn't tell you?" Dahyun asked her. "Nope, she didn't." Tzuyu answered. "She barely even talked to me during the summer." She added.

Momo raised a brow at Sana. "Long story." Sana said and tried to avoid eye contact.

"I haven't seen you guys in a while." Dahyun said. Tzuyu agreed. "I know right. The School Meal Club should've hung out more."

"By the way, where's Chaeyoung? Sana asked. Tzuyu and Dahyun laughed. "Probably trying to get Mina unnie's attention again. She's been confessing and courting her all summer."

"But the penguin keeps rejecting her 'cause she doesn't like her." Momo continued for them. "Aww poor Chaeng." Sana said. "Eh they'll figure it out." Tzuyu said.

"Anyways we have to go." Dahyun said. Tzuyu and Sana nodded and the couple walked to their classroom.

"Hi Tzuyu! Hi Sana unnie!" Kyulkyung greeted as she passed by. "Hello!" The two greeted back. "How was your summer?" The Chinese girl asked.

"It was pretty good." Sana hesitantly answered. Suddenly, Jun spoke up. "Hi I'm Junhui." He introduced himself to Kyulkyung. The girl was shocked at the sudden greeting but she introduced herself anyway. "I'm Kyulkyung."

"He's our cousin." Tzuyu told the girl. "Yeah and I think I'm late. I still have to find the science lab." Jun said. "Don't worry, that's my first class. I can go with you there." Kyulkyung offered. Junhui smiled. "Sure."

Tzuyu and Sana shook their head in disbelief. The two walked down the hall together. They couldn't believe that their cousin has already flirted with someone.

"He literally ditched us." Dino said. "Get used to it guys." Sana told the boys. "Okay then. C'mon, Dino let's get to class." Mingyu patted the younger one's shoulder. It was only Sana and Tzuyu left.

Sana was about to speak when they heard a familiar voice. "Oh, it's the pretty girls." The boy said. Sana mentally cursed. You've got to be kidding me.

"Hi Seobin!" Tzuyu greeted. Sana only smiled. "Didn't know you guys go to school here." Seobin said. Sana nodded. "Us too." She muttered.

"Well is it okay if you show me around?" Seobin asked. "We're running a bit late so maybe next time." Sana said. "No, unnie, it's okay. You can go. I'll show him around." Tzuyu cut her off.

"But Tzuyu--" Sana was about to protest but Tzuyu cut her off again. "It's okay, unnie, really." Sana sighed in defeat. "Okay fine."

"Great, shall we go?" Seobin asked. "Yeah." Tzuyu smiled. She turned to Sana. "I'll see you later, unnie. Bye bye love you." She kissed her temple.

Sana was shocked with the affection. "Love you too." She whispered softly.


If you guys are wondering who Yoon Seobin is, he's an ex-JYP trainee and former Produce X 101 contestant.

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