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"I don't know what's with her. She's been quiet these past few days." I say while flipping the pages of my book. Momo, Mina, and I went to Jihyo's place so we can study for our exams. I told them about how Tzuyu doesn't feel like herself after we ate out. "I've noticed that too." Mina agreed with me.

"See?" I commented. "She's being weird, to be honest." I said, referring to Tzuyu. The other 2 still don't really believe me. "What makes you say that?" Jihyo asked me. I thought about what happened at the resto. I really felt like there was something she wasn't telling me that time, considering the fact that she looked uneasy. I'm very worried.

"I feel like she's keeping something from me. And you know we don't usual hide things from each other. It just feels weird." I confessed. Momo shrugged and took a bite from her apple. "Maybe she doesn't trust you anymore." She said which made me think about it. "Momo! That's not helping!" Jihyo scolded the older girl.

"Oh c'mon! She's turning 18 this year. Maybe she's just growing up." Momo said and it did make sense. What if Tzuyu is sick of me being protective? What if she doesn't want to open up to me anymore?

"Momo's right though, maybe she's being independent now?" Mina said unsurely and shook her head after saying that. "Wait I don't know where this is going." She added. I sighed. "She's just not herself. I don't know what could've possibly happened for her to react this way." I held my head. Now, I can't focus on studying anymore.

"What if..." Jihyo started. I looked at her curiously. She seemed hesitant to continue which added to my curiosity. "What if she was reminded of her past?" I was taken aback. I never thought of it that way. She also doesn't even talk about it that much (well, it did happen a long time ago.) No one ever dares to bring that up, either.

"You could be right. She said she met and talked to Eunwoo when we went out. Maybe she accidentally brought up that topic." I thought, knowing that Tzuyu and Eunwoo aren't even that close. The other girls nodded. "You think I should talk to her?" I asked them. "Give her some time, Sana." Momo told me and I nodded.

"Yeah, but wait, she's really not talking to you?" Mina asked. "We don't talk much like before." I answered. They comforted me and told me that everything will be alright and that I have to talk to Tzuyu when the time is right. After that, we went back to studying.

I went back home, extremely exhausted. When I walked to my room, I saw Tzuyu just walking out of hers.

"Sana unnie, can we talk?" Tzuyu asked as she got out of her room. I decided that I was supposed to confront her after giving her some space but when she said she wanted to talk, I guess I'll have to listen to what she has to say. "Alright, is it okay if we talk in my room?" She nodded frantically and replied. "Sure."

We walked into my room and sat on the bed. She didn't say anything at first so instead I started talking. "So what did you want to talk about?" I didn't want to sound so curious but it came out that way. She hesitated for a bit before speaking. "So remember when I talked with Eunwoo unnie?" She started. So it really was about their conversation. Was it? I can't assume much, though. I nodded as a reply.

"She brought up something that kind of made me feel uneasy." She continued. I guess my friends were right about that. "I'm pretty sure you know what." She told me. "The incident 3 years ago." I spoke softly and she slowly nodded. "She didn't mean to and knowing we're not even that close to begin with." She said. "I don't know. Nobody ever brings it up anymore. The last time I remember anyone talking to me about it was a while back. I seem okay when it's mentioned but it makes me uncomfortable." She explained and I understand what she's trying to say.

"It's alright, I understand." I was finally able to speak after a while. Yet, something was still bothering me. "But, why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" I asked her. She knows I was concerned and it looks like she feels sorry for not telling me before. "I just didn't want you to be involved."

"And I'm sorry for not telling you any sooner, but I know you noticed something different from me and I can see that you're concerned about me. I just didn't want you to worry... knowing you." She whispered the last few words of her sentence. I was taken aback. "Excuse me, what?"

"Knowing me? You think I won't be worried if you didn't tell me. I can easily tell if there's something wrong with you, Tzuyu. I know you." I yelled out in frustration. "I know! And I also know the consequences very well." She said. Consequences? Is she being serious right now? "Consequences? Okay, then tell me." I demanded. Her face softened, she tried her best to stay calm. "You'd overreact about it. And honestly speaking, Sana unnie, I think you're going overboard now." She said sincerely. I went quiet for a few seconds. I guess she's right. I think I went too far.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I just wanted to protect you." I apologized. "I know unnie, it's okay. I'm also sorry for maybe offending you about it." She also apologized. "Actually unnie, I'm fine with it. There are just some times where I think you're going too far." She told me.

"I know, and I will change that." I said with no hesitation. "Just..." She spoke again. I looked at her curiously. "Promise you won't go overboard?" She shyly asked. I grinned and laughed afterwards. "Yes, I promise I won't be that OVERprotective anymore."

"I will learn to control my temper. I will learn to control everything. I'll give you your space, something that I haven't exactly given to you these past few years." I said and she smiled before hugging me.

"Anyways, you wanna come with me and watch us practice our dance? For our club?" She asked me. I wanted to go but I had to turn down her offer this time since I am really exhausted. "I'd like to but I'm really tired, Tzu." I said politely. She pouted and kept bugging me to go. "Please? I'll ask Junhui oppa to drive us so we don't have to walk." I laughed at the suggestions she tried to make just so I can go.

"And you know, we do need someone so professional in dancing so she could give us some advice." She started teasing and grinning. "Okay fine!" I gave in.

Jun drove us to a dance studio. Kyulkyung and some of our clubmates were already there. For our dance performance, we were split into a bunch of groups. School is coming to an end so our club decided that we should showcase what we've learned from the past months.

Now that we were here, they set up the music.

[Fitz and the Tantrums - Handclap]

I watched them energize themselves while dancing. They all looked like they were having fun. I looked at a specific person in awe. Tzuyu basically danced her heart out for this song. Her facial expressions say it all.

This showed her playful, goofy, and energetic side. It was adorable. It was different from what she was showing in the last few days. I'm glad she was feeling better now.

"Who you looking at?" I heard a voice beside me. I placed my hands over my chest in shock. It was only Momo.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the girl who just arrived. "Your sister dragged me here." She responded. I laughed. "Did she use that 'we need someone so professional in dancing' excuse to you too?" I asked. "Dang right she did." Momo replied and took a bite of her corndog which I think she bought before going here.

"So who were you staring at?" Momo squinted her eyes like she was investigating something while looking at the ones who were dancing. I rolled my eyes at her. "I wasn't staring. I'm just adored at how cute they all look." I answered her, apparently, she wasn't buying it. "Liar." She scoffed. "Hmm is it that guy Seongwoo?" She asked while raising her eyebrows at me. I was confused. "There's a Seongwoo in our club?" I asked. She shook her head in disappointment.

"You know what? Why don't we join them?" She suggested while pointing at the dancers. "Let's go!" I didn't hesitate and stood up to join them.


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