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"Tzuyu ah!" I heard her call, and that is no other than my older sister, Sana unnie. I looked out of the window of our room while packing my bag. There, I saw her waiting outside.

I quickly fixed my stuff and got out of the room and went over to Sana. "Hi unnie!" I greeted her with a big hug and of course, she hugged back.

"How was class?" She asked.

"It was alright. So let's go?" She immediately took my hand and went up to the school's rooftop. Whenever it's lunch time, we usually go up there to eat, to talk about stuff, or do both.

Going up the stairs, running around the floor has always been the usual thing we do. As we reached the top, we sat down on our usual bench and pulled out the burger mom made us.

"Tzu." Sana unnie called again, I looked at her in response. "There's something I wanna tell you." She said seriously. "Ok, go on." I replied.

She took a bite of her burger first before proceeding. "Umm, earlier during free time, I was with Dino." She started.

"Dino? Ohh, you mean Chan?" I asked, remembering one of our childhood best friends. She nodded and continued "Actually, we went to the school garden and we actually..."

"Actually what?" I asked confused. "We actually almost kissed." She said. I looked at her without any expressions, processing what she had just told me. A few seconds later, I finally came into my senses and responded back.

"NO WAY!" I was clearly shocked. "Yes way." She said while nodding.

Was she serious? She almost kissed Chan? The first boy I knew who ever had a crush on her? Yes, I knew Dino had a crush on my sister. He actually told me. I don't exactly remember when but all I know, that was a few years ago.

"Wait, so you mean, he was your first kiss?" I asked and after a while, I mentally face palmed because of my question. Pabo Tzuyu.

"What? No Tzuyu, I said we just almost kissed" she said while laughing. I didn't know why she was laughing but I also ended up laughing with her.

"Yeah, I know unnie, I just realized what I asked. Dumb me" I said and softly smacked my head.

"Heyy, you're not dumb" she said while removing my hand off my head. Later on, she started telling me stuff like 'You're not dumb, 'People makes mistakes', stuff like those.

Well, she's my older sister after all, of course she's like that. And I've actually got used to it.

"Anyways, what about you? Did something happen?" She asked and shook my head. "No, but I actually received a letter." I stated which made her eyes widen.

"Who is it from?! I'll kill him!" she said, I actually find it cute because she's being protective about me.

"Relax unnie, it was only a letter slip from the office, for the Students' Fair" I said and she sighed in relief.

I guess if someone really wrote me a letter, her reaction would have been different. She would literally blow and strut down the hallways while her face would look like she really wants to kill someone.

It's scarier than you think, trust me. I've seen it. We spent the rest of the time talking and making fun of each other. The bell then rang and we ran back downstairs.

"It was really fun earlier Sana unnie." I admitted while catching my breath.

"Duh Tzu, I was there" she said and flipped her hair purposely towards my face.

Now, she's full of herself again. "Anyways unnie, see you during free time!" I said. "Bye Tzu, take care." She said and she kissed my forehead.

"Bye Sana unnie" I kissed her cheek before going to class.


Happy Satzu Day! ❤❤🎉🎉

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Happy Satzu Day! ❤❤🎉🎉


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