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"What do you mean you got bullied?!" Sana shouted at her sister.

"It's not exactly bullying... they just said insulting things about me." Tzuyu said and smiled sheepishly. Sana blinked 2 times before answering. "That's the exact definition for Verbal Bullying." She said and walked away in disappointment.

Tzuyu followed her sister from behind. "Unnie" She called but Sana didn't bother to look back.

Sana sat down on the couch and crossed her arms. Tzuyu sat next to her and hugged her from the side.

"I'm ok, I'm not bothered by their statements anymore. Besides, Junhui oppa was there, we're fine." The younger girl poked her sister's fluffy cheeks.

"Yah!" Sana moved Tzuyu's hand away which took her by surprise. Tzuyu then took it as a sign to leave Sana alone so she stood up to give her some space.

"Tzuyu-ah. Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." Sana stood up and quickly apologized.

"It's just that, I'm afraid those girls will do that to you again." Sana added. "I also wished I was there with you." She said. "I'm sorry."

Tzuyu turned around and hugged the older girl. "You don't have to be sorry." She said. Sana was relieved that Tzuyu was ok. She's just a little or more like... really protective.

"So, Mom and Dad won't be home soon. How about we go outside and I'll treat you some really delicious food?" Sana suggested and Tzuyu nodded in happiness.

"I like the sound of that."

On the way out, they met their cousin by their frontyard. "Wassup girlies." Jun greeted.

"Hey Junhui oppa." The two girls said. "What were you doing here?" Sana asked

"I was about to ask you guys if you wanted to go out and eat." He told the girls. "Well we were about to." Tzuyu answered.

"Great! I'll treat you guys." Jun said. "Ohh it's ok oppa, I'll do it this time. Besides, I promised Tzuyu I'll treat her." Sana said.

"Sure thing. I'll go get my car." Jun said while walking to his house. The 2 girls were surprised by his statement. "You have a car?! Since when were you rich?" Tzuyu asked.

Junhui looked at the younger one with a stoic face. "For your information, this was a gift for not failing a subject."

"So that means you failed A LOT of subjects?" Tzuyu answered back. Jun rolled his eyes. "Shut up or I'm not gonna drive you." he said. The two girls got in the car. "Ok, chill."


"So what do you guys want?" Sana asked. The 3 were in a burger place since they were craving for burgers.

"I'll just get a regular burger, with cheesy fries, and Coke." Junhui replied without looking up from his phone. "Alright, what about you Tzuyu?" Sana asked the younger one.

"I'll have the Double Cheese Burger, with Chili Cheese Fries and Sprite." Tzuyu answered. "I'll go find a place for us to sit." Jun said and walked to find a table.

"And I'll go to the restroom first." Tzuyu added. Sana nodded her head and replied with a soft 'Ok'.

Tzuyu walked in the restroom and found a familiar face. "Eunwoo unnie?"

The called girl looked up, taken by surprise but smiled after she saw the familiar girl. "Oh hey, Tzuyu!" She greeted.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Tzuyu asked. "I'm good, thanks." Eunwoo answered. "So what are you doing?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm here with my sister and my cousin." Tzuyu answered. "How about you?" She asked the older girl. Eunwoo sighed which made the other question to why she did. "Well, I'm actually a thirdwheeler today. Kyulkyung thought she'd get revenge so she forced me to join Minkyung and Yebin's date today."

Tzuyu laughed at what the beagle-like girl said. "Are they cool with it, though?" She asked, still laughing. Eunwoo scratched her nape. "I guess they are." She started. "They probably enjoyed annoying me." She let out a small laugh before shrugging.

"I guess now you've learned your lesson." Tzuyu teased the older girl. "Oh, definitely!" Eunwoo replied without hesitation which made both of the girls laugh. "But you know..." Eunwoo spoke. Tzuyu listened intently to what the girl was saying.

"Other than feeling the awkwardness from thirdwheeling, it made me realize just how lonely I am." Eunwoo pouted. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, you're not in a relationship?" She asked. Eunwoo shook her head. "Why does it seem to surprise you?" Eunwoo asked back with a chuckle.

Tzuyu scratched her head. "I don't know, it just did." Eunwoo nodded and ran her fingers through her hair. "It's just that, I've been single since birth and I would like to know what it feels to be loved, you know?" Eunwoo told the taller one. "I'm craving for someone who can understand me. Someone who could cheer me up, make me feel special. Someone who can protect me, be there for me." She added but realized she's been talking too much so she quickly apologized for it.

"Because, you know, one time..." Eunwoo whispered. "Minkyung unnie and Yebin went out and there were some guys who were hitting on Minkyung unnie and also sexually assaulting her." Hearing those 2 words made Tzuyu swallow hard. "But good thing Yebin was there before anything else happened." Eunwoo noticed the younger one tensing up and immediately realize what she's done.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry! I forgot, I'm so stupid." Eunwoo quickly apologized. Tzuyu couldn't speak as she started stuttering. "Umm, i-it's alright, I guess." She felt uncomfortable. "No, it's not, I am really sorry for bringing that up, Tzuyu." Eunwoo apologized once more.

"Eunwoo unnie, calm down. That was a long time ago." Tzuyu said calmly. "But how did you know?" She asked. "Just after a few days that had happened, the news spread like a virus. I think most of the students knew about it." Eunwoo answered in a soft way, still sorry for bringing up that topic.

"Let's just forget about that." Tzuyu smiled. "I gotta go, they must be waiting for me. I'll see you when I see you, unnie." Eunwoo nodded. "You too, and I'm sorry again." Tzuyu shook her head and patted the older one's shoulder. "Don't be." She said before waving goodbye. Eunwoo did the same before they parted ways.

Tzuyu went out of the restroom but realized she didn't exactly do what she wanted to in there. She thought that she felt uneasy after Eunwoo brought up that topic. Shaking her head to herself, she mumbled a soft 'Nevermind' and continued to look for Sana and Jun.

When she reached their table, she was greeted by her sister. "Hey, what took you so long?" Sana asked the girl who just sat down. Tzuyu took a fry and ate it. "I met Eunwoo unnie, we talked for a bit." She answered. "What did you guys talk about?" Sana asked.

Tzuyu recalled what happened but didn't want to open it up to her sister. "Nothing, she just told me about how she's thirdwheeling right now." Tzuyu tried to show a smile. Just how uncomfortable Tzuyu looks, Sana seemed to notice that there was something more from what Tzuyu just told her but didn't want to press her more about it. She just nodded and they continued eating.


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