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*bell rings*

Finally! School is over!

Well, for this day.

But still, I'm thankful because starting tomorrow and for the rest of the week, there won't be any classes. It's the event all students have been waiting for...

Students' Fair!

Students' Fair only lasts for 3 days and it's always the best 3 days of our lives. There would be games, intermission numbers, picture taking, and food, Momo's favorite.

Our principal always wants us to have fun at least once per school year, and so he and the Students' Council arranged this whole thing.

It's already 4:05 and as usual, I would go to Tzuyu's classroom so we could walk together.

"Knock Knock" I said in my usual high toned voice.

I finally caught her attention. "Come inside, unnie." She said, gesturing me to come over. She would always be the last one to leave the room because most of her classmates are always excited to go home.

"So, how was school?" I asked. "It was fun, as always. Even though it's stressing at times, I always try to make my day fun." She smiled.

This is why I love her so much. She's always optimistic even when dealing with the pessimistic things. She's like a precious little baby.

"Every moment counts. I always treasure each second of my life." She added. Woah, this girl really is something.

Well I can tell she got that from Mom. Tzuyu is like Mom's Junior. Aside from looking the same, they also have the same personality.

And me? Well people say I'm like my Dad. We're both goofy and I remember the time Mom told us how Dad was so clingy when they were in High School.

She also mentioned before that he would always get rid of the people who would want to get near someone he loves.

No question to me about that. I'm pretty sure you got it right away. Back in the classroom...

"Let's go unnie!" My sister yelled already prepared to go home. Taking our route, we would usually talk about stuff.

"Are you excited for tomorrow unnie?" She asked. "Of course I am! I've been waiting all year." I replied.

"You got any special event tomorrow?"

"Nahh, I'm free all 3 days, no managing to do."

"That's great! We can finally have some time together in the Fair after how many years." She sighed in relief. "I know right, I can finally enjoy and be myself."

"Why don't we have a sister bonding tomorrow?" She suggested. "That's a good idea! I'm in!" I yelled then raised my hand like a little kid. She then laughed at my actions then we continued walking.

"Um, Sana unnie?" She called and I hummed in response. "Uh, I've been hearing a lot of stuff in school lately, and it's mostly about you." She said then I turned to look at her.

"Like what things?"

"Well, we both know you're Taiwanese but lots of people are saying that you look Japanese." She mentioned. I stayed quiet for a while and I think that must've scared her since I wasn't talking at all.

"It doesn't mean if you're Taiwanese you're supposed to look like one. I'm not comparing though but there are some Filipinos who look Korean even if they don't have Korean blood at all. That just makes us different. What makes us unique, so we don't really have to worry about that."

"Those people are just saying things to gain attention from other people. So you don't have to mind them if they talk about you, anyone you care about, or even anyone. Ok?" I added.

"Ok." She nodded. A few minutes later we finally reached our house. As we walked in, we greeted our mom.

"Hi Mom." We yelled in unison while going to the kitchen, kissing our mother in the cheeks. "Hello children. How was school?" Mom asked.

"It was great." I replied. "What about you, Tzu?"

"Awesome!" Our youngest smiled. "We'll be upstairs, mom." I said. "Alright." She replied.


"Unnie, do you want me to go first or do you want to shower first?" Tzuyu asked

"You can go first, Tzu. I'll wait." I replied. She nodded and got her clothes and towel and went in the bathroom.

This is our routine every afternoon. It's either me or her who gets to shower first. But I usually let her since she's younger. While waiting for her, I would just lie on the bed or use my phone.

There are times where I help mom or do my projects and homework. 10 minutes later, she was finally done. She was dressed in an over sized navy blue shirt with a pair of shorts. Her wet hair also covering her face.

"Your turn, unnie" she said. I stood up and got my things then proceeded to the bathroom.


Later that night...


"So why don't we have a little girl talk right now, don't you think, lil sis?" Sana unnie asked. I'm not that type of girl who can easily open up but when it comes to my sister, I can actually say everything.

"Sure, why not?"

"I gotta ask, Tzu. Do you like someone? Like anyone?" She asked.

"I mean, as your older sister, I have the right to know, so maybe you know, see if they're meant for you..." She added but I immediately cut her off.


"Just kidding. But seriously though, do you have a crush on someone?" She asked again. I thought for a while. 

Do I have a crush on someone? That typical time when a girl's heart would go boom boom whenever they see someone they like. I don't even think I've even felt that way before. I don't think I even have time for boys. 

"To be really honest, Sana unnie, I don't even know. I mean, I don't think I have feelings for anyone. Besides, you were the one who taught me to study first before love-life." I explained and she nodded.

"I understand. And it has been a while since we've had conversations like this so I was just curious." She said. "I know. Well, we talk everyday but we don't usually go into this kind of topic." I said so she nodded.

"Enough of this, why don't we just discuss what we can do tomorrow?" She suggested. "Alright" I sat up from the bed and thought of things Sana unnie and I can do for tomorrow.

"It has been a while since we took a photo together in the photo booth. Why don't we do that?" I asked. "I like what you're thinking." She nodded.

"Let's also try all kinds of food there" She added. "Sure! That will be fun!"

"I can't wait for tomorrow. I hope we'll be able to enjoy it."

"Me too."

Then we continued to talk until we both felt tired and decided to lay in bed and have a good night sleep. Tomorrow's gonna be the best day of our lives.


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