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"Meet me in the library after school."

- Sana


"Girl!" Momo called Sana who was sitting impatiently on the couch in the library. Momo walked up to her. "Hmm, wait I don't think I should call you that anymore. Maybe I should call you Gaycest from now on." She laughed.

"Gaycest?" Sana asked. Momo face fell. "Gay plus incest, you know." She said like it was obvious. Sana didn't budge. The girl was still dead serious. "Oh sh*t. I'm sorry. I was only kidding." Momo's face changed after being hit with realization.

"Yeah whatever. I hope you didn't tell anyone, Hirai." Sana said. "Of course I didn't." Momo was true to her word. Sana sighed. "What are you doing here?" She asked the girl who entered a few moments ago.

"I was looking for you. I wanted to talk to you personally about this whole thing." Momo answered. "What are you doing in the library, anyways?" She asked.

"Can we talk later? I'm meeting up with some people." Sana told her. Momo shook her head. "Nope. They're not here, but I am. So you have to talk to me." She said and took a seat next to the younger girl.

Just then, the library door bursted open. "Sana!" Jaebum called as he walked in with 3 other boys. The librarian shushed him but they just ignored her. Sana quickly stood up. "You guys got my note?" She asked.

"Duh, that's why we're here." Mingyu spoke up. Jackson joined in. "He's right, but we're also here for another reason." He said. Sana turned to the other boys and her eyes widened when she saw Dino.

"Oh my gosh! Dino, what happened?" She went over to him and looked at his face. The boy had a black eye and it looked fresh. "Seobin happened." Dino answered.

Momo's eyes widened. "Are you serious?!" Jaebum answered, although it was already obvious. "Of course he is."

"Why would he do that?" Sana asked the younger boy. He looked at Sana. "Because you said Tzuyu needed help with something, I offered to help her. Then he saw us hugging. When Tzuyu left because she forgot something in the classroom, he came up to me. He said that I'm not supposed to hug girls unless we were dating." Dino explained.

"That's stupid!" Momo yelled. As expected, she was hushed by the librarian. "I know, but wait..." Dino said.

"I told him that I've known her for a very long time and we can hug anyone we want. I also told him that if we have it his way, he's not supposed to hug her too, especially because he's only known her for a very short time. And I guess he lost it because he punched me in my left eye." He continued.

Sana put her hands on her face. She was raging inside, along with Momo. Dino groaned in pain. "I'll go get you some more ice." Jackson tapped the boy's shoulder. "Thank you, hyung."

"Okay, that aside. Why did you need us here?" Mingyu asked Sana. Sana took a deep breath, knowing she'll already get negative responses. "I want you guys to continue with the flirting." She whispered.

All three boys disagreed, as expected. Jackson came in and he was told about what Sana said. He agreed with the boys.

"No way! I'm done with this. Have you seen Dino's eye?!" Jaebum yelled at her. Sana just stayed silent. She knew it. "And not just that, Jeonghwa is ignoring me because she thinks I'm not taking her seriously."

"I've been told that I was doing worse in class." Mingyu said.

"My eye has already answered that for you." Dino said.

"I have no reason but this has to stop. That's the other reason why we're here. We can't afford anyone else getting hurt." Jackson said.

Momo on the other hand, was confused. She looked at Sana and whispered. "They know about this?" She asked. Sana shook her head at her. "I can't explain right now. It's a very long story." Sana replied back to her.

"You know what, Sana? If you really want Seobin to get out of Tzuyu's life, then why'd don't you do it yourself?" JB shot back at the girl. "Yeah, he's right!" Dino agreed with the older boy.

Mingyu looked at Sana. "Yeah, isn't that what you're good at?" He mocked her. "I can't do that okay?!" Sana shot back at them.

"Well, why not?!" Jackson asked. Momo stood up between them. "Guys, that's enough. Calm down for a sec." She tried to ease the situation but she was completely ignored.

"You know you've been acting so weird lately. What's wrong with you?!"

"I thought you said that you won't be overprotective anymore, but look at what you're doing."

"Why won't you tell us what's happening, Sana?!"

Thatvs when Sana completely lost it. "Because I'm in love with her, okay?!" She accidentally spilled out.

Everyone froze, including Momo, who didn't expect for her to say that. Sana made her way out of the library and then made her way out of the school. She sat down at a bench nearby.

She covered her face with her hands. She let her tears fall. Lots of things were going on inside her mind. She didn't know what to think and because of that, she accidentally revealed what she didn't want anyone to know, for the second time already.

Suddenly, she felt someone hug her from behind. "I'm sorry, noona." She immediately recognized the voice. She knew it was Dino.

"No, we're all sorry." She heard JB and the boy sat next to her. She lifted her head up and she saw Mingyu and Jackson following from behind. "If we just knew you felt that way. We didn't mean to hurt you."

"No, you guys didn't hurt me. I was hurting myself." Sana said. "I already knew that this was wrong but I didn't try hard enough to get rid of these feelings. I'm a mess. I feel so sorry for myself."

"You don't have to feel sorry for yourself. And now we understand why you wanted us to do it because you really love her." Mingyu said. "You should fight for her if that's what your heart tells you."

"The only thing my heart is telling me is to get rid of Seobin. There's just something about him I don't like and trust." Sana told them. 

"Then do that." Momo came along and stood in front of Sana. "Yeah, after what happened to Dino, I don't think we can trust him anymore." Jaebum said.

"He shouldn't be near other people, especially to girls." Jackson said. "Especially to Tzuyu." Dino added.

"Don't worry, Sana. We're gonna support you no matter what. We're gonna find out if there's anything suspiscious about him." Jaebum said. Sana's face lit up. "Really, you guys would do that?" She asked.

"Of course, we're like family." Jackson said. "Yeah and if we do, I'll help you cut his baby makers." Momo joked. "That sounds like a good idea, but a bit too much." Sana laughed.

"Finally there you guys are!" Nayeon's voice was heard and she joined the group. She was with Jeongyeon and Tzuyu. "Nayeon, slow down." Jeongyeon complained.

"Wassup Nayeonnie?" Sana asked.

"It's my birthday soon. I'm inviting you guys to my birthday party this weekend." Nayeon announced. Jackson and Mingyu danced happily.


"Oh my gosh, Dino! What happened to your eye?" Tzuyu asked as she saw the boy's face. "Long story." That was all he said.

"Well we have to go. I expect you guys to be there at my party." Nayeon said as she left with her girlfriend.

"We'll be there!" Everyone else told her.


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