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"You know Jun once told me about something." It was quite inaudible because Sana was chewing her food. The two were eating breakfast together. Tzuyu laughed. "Baby, finish your food first I can't understand you." She said.

Sana took her time in munching her food and then she continued to talk. "Jun once told me about something." She repeated. "What is it?" Tzuyu asked her.

"He said that he liked me before." Tzuyu raised an eyebrow at her. She laughed in amusement. "Are you serious?" Sana just nodded. Tzuyu drank some of her juice. "Well I can't blame him." She grinned.

"So you told Jun about your feelings for me?" Tzuyu asked. "Actually, we told him." Sana corrected. Tzuyu tilted her head. "What do you mean 'we'. You told someone else too?" She asked.

"Not exactly. I accidentally told Momo. She was the first one to know and then the boys found out." Sana explained. The younger girl just nodded.

Just then, Tzuyu received a message. She looked at her phone. "Hey Mina unnie and Chaeyoung are inviting us all for lunch later in their place." Sana nodded.

"We're going, obviously." Sana said as she finished off her food. Tzuyu pouted. "But I wanted to take you out for lunch." She said.

Sana kissed her pout away. "That's okay. Maybe next time, alright?" She said. "Let's just take advantage of it this time because it's free food." She giggled.

"I guess so. But if there's anyone who would be happy that there's free food, that has to be Momo unnie." Tzuyu said. Sana laughed. "You're right."


"Great! You guys actually made it!" Mina cheered as their visitors walked inside the apartment she and Chaeyoung shared.

"Of course! It's free food!" Momo went to the kitchen to check out the food. Chaeyoung pulled her away so the girl wouldn't start eating before anyone else did. "Yeah Mina and I cooked a lot for you guys so don't go eating it by yourself." She said. Momo pouted and walked back to Dahyun, clinging onto her.

"My girlfriend and I were supposed to have plans, but I hope it's okay that I invited Jeonghwa." Jaebum spoke. "Yeah, now worries." Mina said. "Thank you. She'll just catch up." He said.

"Wow, everyone's dating and look at me." Jun whined as he sat down to join the rest of the group. Tzuyu spoke up. "What's there to look at?"

Everyone around the table reacted cuz Junhui just got burned. "Savage!" They all laughed. Junhui playfully glared at his cousin. Then, he looked at Sana.

"Please look after her, Sana." He said. Tzuyu frowned. "What the heck, Wen Junhui?! I'm not a baby." She yelled at him. Jun scoffed. "Yeah whatever."

Sana leaned close to Tzuyu's ear and whispered. "But you're my baby." Tzuyu blushed and smiled like an idiot. She tried hiding her face.

"Jun's right though. I'm also single and ready to mingle." Mingyu spoke. "Maybe no one just wants to mingle with you." Dino told the older boy. Everyone laughed.

"Maybe not everyone." Mingyu said and looked around. His eyes caught a certain lady. "Hi Jihyo." He smiled. The girl looked at him, uninterested.

"Back off, I'm taken." She said. Everyone around widened their eyes. They didn't expect Jihyo to say that. Mingyu scratched his head. "Oh, now I guess everyone does." He mumbled.

Jeongyeon looked at him. "Wait aren't you gay?" She asked him. The tall boy shook his head. "Only when Wonwoo answers me." He answered her.

"Are you kidding me? Man up!" Jackson spoke up. Nayeon laughed. "He probably can't because he's not like you and Mark." She said. "Yeah." He agreed with her. "I envy you and Mark." Mingyu glared at the boy.

"So you're going around, experimenting with other people?" Dahyun asked him. The taller boy shrugged. "Maybe."

"Anyways, Tzuyu, would you help me find a girl?" He asked. Tzuyu looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows. "Why me?" She asked.

"I just thought you'd be good at it." Mingyu shrugged. Tzuyu thought of a person. "There's Eunwoo unnie." She said.

"Well, would you help me get to her?" He asked desperately. Tzuyu sighed in defeat. "Fine! But it wouldn't be my fault if she rejects you. That would just mean there's something wrong with you." She said.

Mingyu squealed like a teenage girl. "Yay!" He stood up and hugged Tzuyu from behind.

Sana glared at the boy. Mingyu laughed. "What? She's not your sister." He said.

"DON'T touch my girlfriend!"

> The End <


And there you have it! 'DON'T!' is finally done. I've finally finished all my 2018 books. I could also say I've finally finished ALL OF MY BOOKS.


That doesn't mean I'm done being an author...

My journey is not over yet!

Secret Love Song • 2yeon (One-Shot)

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Secret Love Song • 2yeon (One-Shot)

Yoo Jeongyeon is dating the most popular K-POP Female Solo Artist, Im Nayeon.

Nayeon is proud of her relationship with Jeongyeon, but she is forced to keep her relationship a secret by her company and her own girlfriend.

Jeongyeon doesn't want to ruin her girlfriend's career, but Nayeon is tired of hiding everything.


"I wish that it could be like that. Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours..."

. . .

That was a very spontaneous decision by the way. Anyways, I hope you'll check that out and show your love and support for it!

I'll see you guys soon! Take care and keep safe everyone!

- jewelofsatzu

DON'T! • Satzu ☑️Where stories live. Discover now