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"Unnie, you're sweating." Tzuyu walked into my room as she touched my forehead. "Is it hot in your room every night?" She asked. I just shook my head. "Are you okay?" She asked.

No, I'm not fine. I thought these things I'm feeling will disappear overnight but it made it even worse when you said you liked me in my dream. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

That kid knows me so well. She probably knows that I'm lying to her right now. "Okay then. Breakfast is downstairs." She said before leaving my room.

That was weird. She didn't even bother to counter me when I know that she knows I'm lying. Was I being too obvious?

I went downstairs and walked to the kitchen. There was only one plate of stir fried rice left. Tzuyu showed up from behind me.

"Mom and Dad left early for work. I was the one who cooked breakfast for you." She said. When she said that, my heart raced. I'm not supposed to feel this way again. You should stop it, Sana, she's just being a concerned family member. Nothing more, nothing less.

"T-thank you, Tzuyu-ah." I said to her. She furrowed her eyebrows. "What's with the stutter?" She asked. I tried to quickly find an excuse. "Uh, I choked on my own saliva." I mentally cursed for thinking of a lame and pretty disgusting excuse.

"Eww, unnie, that's just gross!" She laughed. "I guess I'm just hungry after seeing you-- I-I mean..." Oh Jisoos Christ what's wrong with me?

"I meant to say: after seeing your food that you cooked." I corrected myself. Dang that was embarrassing. Tzuyu just nodded. "Hmm I guess you also lack sleep." She said. I shook my head.

"No don't mind me. I'm going to eat now." I told her and I sat down to eat breakfast. "Okay then, I'll be there." She said and walked to the living room. I should really get a hold of myself. This is not healthy.


Fast forward, the two of us are sitting quietly in the living room while browsing in social media and stuff. "Unnie." She called me.

"It's Band Night later." She said. "Look, Nayeon unnie posted a pic of her tickets on her IG. Seems like she's going with someone." Right, every year there's like this event or mini-concert held in this soccer field somewhere around town. It features young performers around the city and they showcase their songs, covers, or just talents in playing instruments.

We've actually never been to one. "I saw somewhere that there's gonna be a celebrity guest who'll close the show." She said. "What's the point of talking about it when we won't even go?" I told her.

"Actually, I bought us tickets a week ago." She said. My jaw dropped. "You did what?" I asked. "I figured it'll be fun. It's not that expensive, anyway." She cockily said. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"We're going later. It's not that far a walk, don't worry." Tzuyu said. I really want to go but the thing is, is this like a date or something? Wait, what the hell?! Why am I always thinking of these stuff?

I just nodded to her. "Okay." That was the only thing I said before running upstairs to my room. I just can't handle having to be in the same room as her. I might as well have to stay here all day. I need to clear all this out.


"Unnie, come on! We don't wanna be late!" Tzuyu shouted from downstairs as I got ready. When I was finally done, I went down to join her. "Why worry? Are there gonna be a lot of people?" I asked her.

"Probably a hundred more than usual because of the celebrity guest." She said. I saw her staring at me. She looked at me up and then down. I mentally pleaded for her to quit doing that. "What are you wearing?" She finally spoke.

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