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2 days have passed. It is now the final day of the Students' Fair. Of course a lot will be devastated so they made the most out of it.

This is also the day when they'll finally open the 'new booth'.

It has been planned out by the Students' Council for years and they were only able to make it legit now. One reason that might be the cause of this is because of the budget.

Nobody knows what that booth is for (but of course except for the Students' Council). This is why everyone is so pumped up today.

"Hey do you guys have any idea what the new booth is?" Sana asked her group of friends who were all eating. No need to ask who gave out that idea.

"Nope not me." Chaeng replied. "Perhaps a jail booth?" Dahyun guessed.

"I just hope it will be a food booth." Momo said who was happily munching on her burger.

"You always wish for anything related to food." Nayeon said

"If not then why did God give me life?" Momo snapped back and continued eating. This made the rest face palm.

"How about you Mina?" Sana asked which caught the said girl's attention. Mina shrugged. "I don't know anything."

"Well that's strange, I expected something since you're the brain of our group." Jeongyeon mentioned

"Then don't expect anything, it will only hurt you." Mina clicked which left all the others amazed by what the penguin has said.

"Wise words from Myoui Mina, as usual." Chaeng applauded.

"That's why I'm living, babe." The penguin said with such sass making the little tiger sink under her seat as she turned into a tomato.

"How about you, Tzu. Got any ideas?"

"I think it's a..." Her words were cut off when Jackson and Somi went on stage to announce something.

"Hello again everyone, so the rumors about this has been going on for years now." Jackson started.

"Everyone has waited for a very long time and now that it has been confirmed, we are excited to reveal the mysterious booth." Somi added. "We give you..." Both MC's said.

"Food booth, food booth, food booth..." Momo was silently chanting while crossing her fingers.

"The Heart Booth!" some people around applauded and cheered while the others didn't really care

"Well, that's even worse than a food booth." Momo rolled her eyes.

"You're right, Momo. I actually like that food booth of yours better." Nayeon agreed

"The Heart booth will officially open after 5 minutes so meanwhile, Somi will tell you how this booth works."

"Thank you, Jackson. The Heart Booth is a booth where 2 hearts will come as one." Somi started

"I've never cringed so hard in my life. Who the heck came up with that?" Jeongyeon asked

"I did." Jaebum came out of no where and looked at Jeongyeon with his brows meeting in the middle in confusion.

"Why is there something wrong?" He asked

"It's just too cliché, JB oppa." Tzuyu admitted.

"But it's the best I came up with, and we can't do anything about it. Well, gotta go I still have to help the others set up." JB replied and left.

"The booth keepers will be glad to accept requests from anyone. It's either you let them give a gift to the one you like and leave your name anonymous, get you someone to date with today, or sign two people up so they can hook them up together. And there's a catch to that, they have provided a tent so that the 2 can bond with and get to know each other." Somi added

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