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"Alright class, I have some good news for you all!" Our teacher announced which made us pay our full attention to him.

"You will be working on a project!" He said which made all our facial expressions change.

"You don't have to worry since this will be done by pair. Due date will be exactly next week. And because I'm in a good mood today, I'm giving you all the freedom to pick your partners" he added and started fixing his stuff

Great, another project. Well at least it will be done by pair. The problem is, who would be my partner? "Hey, you wanna be partners?" One of my guy classmates approached me.

"That's how you're gonna ask my sister to be your project pal? You know you can do better than that, Jaebum." I replied.

He laughed "Don't be ridiculous, Sana. Tzuyu is in the other classroom. I can't have her as my teammate." He said. "Even if you can, just don't." I said which made him laugh.

That's Im Jaebum, he's also one of my classmates, like I said.

Also one of the most popular guys in school, along with Mingyu. Now you've met 2/4 of them. Here, he's mostly called JB but he prefers Jaebum. Did I mention he's also the leader of them 4? Well, yes he's the leader. Aside from him being the eldest, he's also... responsible. Wait, cross that out. You know what? Let's move on. JB's also part of the Student's Council. VP to be exact.

He's best known for his talent in singing. One of those greatest vocalists in school. He's also really good looking. Don't get me wrong but he's actually my bestfriend. Boy bestfriend, I mean.

"Yes." I answered simply. "What?" he asked, confused. "I'll be your teammate. What? You don't want? I could change my partner if you want." I said jokingly while pretending to stand up.

"No no no. It's fine, ok." he said while pulling me back to my seat.

"Have pity on me, Sana. You're the only one I'm close with here." he added. I thought for a moment. Aish this dumb guy. I mentally face palmed.

"What about Mingyu?" I asked him.

"He's busy." Jaebum replied while pointing at the said guy who was busy fixing his hair by the mirror. Ohh... okay. You know, sometimes he could be full of himself.

Before we even started on planning for our project, the bell rang, signaling that it's free time. Here in our school, we have this thing called free time. It's different from recess, though. Free time is only for 20 minutes, after that, we have to proceed to our next class. Every batch of students have their own schedule for free time. Right now, it's my schedule. 

"I gotta go, Sana. I have a meeting with the rest of the Student's Council. You know, for the Student's Fair." He said while packing his things. Ahh right, the SC is in charge for that.

"Sure, I'll just message you later." I said. "Alright, bye Sana!" He waved. "Bye JB oppa!" I waved back and started fixing my things.

I headed out the classroom. I usually just go anywhere or do anything whenever it's free time. Not unless if I have to do some homeworks or seatworks if I haven't finished it yet. Right now, I have nothing else to do. Tzuyu's FT was about an hour ago and the next FT we have together is after 5th period, which was the period after lunch.

I walked over to my locker to put some of my books away when I noticed someone. Still the same tall but young boy, with dark colored hair and cute eyes.

"Lee Chan!" I shouted, he flinched a bit and after he saw me, he jumped back in horror.

"S-Sana noona." He smiled nervously.

"I wasn't trying to hit on her this time, I promise!" he said while putting his hands up like he's surrendering. This caused me to laugh.

"And until now you're still afraid of me?" I asked jokingly and he immediately denied it.

"Don't worry Dino, I know you're not trying to do anything. It's your free time right?" I asked and he nodded. "Wanna hang out?" I asked and he agreed.

"Sure, let me just put my stuff away" after putting his things in his locker, he held out his elbow like a gentleman. "Let's go?" he asked and I linked my arms in his

"You're sometimes unbelievable, Dino. People might mistaken us as a couple." I said. He scoffed. "Let them be. I don't care. I look at you as a noona." He smiled while we were walking to the garden. 

Now this boy I'm with here is Lee Chan. Another one of my good friends and popular boys in the campus. That's 3/4 already. His real name is Chan but he prefers to be called Dino.

He's known for his moves, or his dancing skills and he's also good in rapping. He's actually also a year younger than me which makes him one of Tzuyu's classmates. One thing I like about him is his eyes. His eyes are small which makes him really look like a Korean. But no one can beat Hoshi's 10:10.

You can't relate? Ok never mind. We have known each other since middle school, as years passed we're still close but not as close as before. While in JB's case, I've known him since I was 6. That's why he's my best friend.

Out of the guys I know who have liked my sister, Dino is the only one who can control himself on the flirting (you name it) since he knows about what happened.

But I'm not saying that the others can't control it. Sometimes I even wonder if they're doing it for Tzuyu or they just wanna trigger me.

After all, Chan's the youngest of them and he could follow. "I missed this, Noona." He suddenly said.

"Missed what?" I asked while we were sitting on a bench in the school garden. "I missed the times when the 3 of us would go here and hang out. You, me and Tzuyu." He explained.

I nodded in agreement, it has been a while. I admit, I had a bit of feelings for him a few years ago but I know he also had a bit of feelings for Tzuyu so I just kept it a secret. But it's fine, I've moved on now and I currently don't like anyone. I didn't know why but I had a thing for younger boys back then.

"What are you thinking about Sana noona?" He asked me. "Ohh nothing, just my past." I said and smiled at him and he smiled in return.

"You're really pretty, Sana noona." He said and I blushed. Did he really just say that? "Did you know that I know that you had a crush on me before?" He asked while smirking I looked at him in surprise.

How did he know? "How did you know?" I asked.

"I figured it out myself, no one had to tell me but even if you weren't obvious, I just felt it." Dino explained and shrugged like it was nothing. All I could do was to nod.

"Actually noona, I also had a crush on you before, before I even liked Tzuyu" he admitted.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. I didn't even realize that he was cupping my cheeks and staring deeply in my eyes. My heart started to beat fast again. I've never felt this in a long time.

Seconds later, he started to lean in and so did I. Our lips were about to connect when...


The bell rang. We quickly pulled away and fixed ourselves. "I'm really sorry noona, I didn't mean it." He apologized.

"No, it's ok. To be honest, I actually got caught in the moment. I didn't know what was going on." I admitted. "So we're cool now?" He asked.

"Yep, let's just pretend that nothing happened ok?" I asked and he saluted. "Yes Chou Sana!" He stated while I laughed at his actions.

"I'll see you soon Dino!" I said and waved. "You too, noona." He said as he waved back.

I suddenly felt that the spark was gone again. Like I started to fall in love again but then the magic wore off real quick. Seriously, I don't feel anything at all.

Oh well, I guess I still have to tell Tzuyu about this.


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