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"Unnie! I'll head over to Chaeng's place. Don't worry, I'll be back before curfew" shouted Tzuyu.

. . .

"NO PLEASE DON'T! HELP!" The owner of the voice yelled.

. . .

"Looks like we got a delicious meal tonight"

. . .

"Oh, Seobin, this is my sister, Sana unnie." Tzuyu told the boy.

"Wow, I guess 'pretty' runs in the family." Seobin chuckled.

. . .

"He was very flirty."

. . .


"Seobin, these are my friends." Tzuyu introduced them to him one by one.

. . .

"Wow, looks like we've got some delicious meals today." Seobin said as he sat down.

. . .

"He intimidates me."

. . .

"Oh my gosh! Dino, what happened?"

"Seobin happened." Dino answered.

. . .

"The only thing my heart is telling me is to get rid of Seobin. There's just something about him I don't like and trust."

. . .

"Yeah, after what happened to Dino, I don't think we can trust him anymore." Jaebum said.

. . .

"He shouldn't be near other people, especially to girls." Jackson said.

"Especially to Tzuyu." Dino added.

. . .

"I barely know him and he's a bit creepy to me." Nayeon told Sana.

. . .

"You don't like him either?"

"He's just weird. There's something about him and it doesn't feel good. I'm honestly worried about Tzuyu." Nayeon said.

. . .

I feel like I've met him before."

. . .

"And like I've met him during a very bad situation and maybe that's the reason why I've never liked him from the start."

. . .

Sana's body jolted forward. She was panting really hard. She held her head after feeling a massive headache. She figured it was because of her hangover.

She checked her clock and she woke up a little later than she does usually. She couldn't quite remember anything that had happened last night. She could only remember her dream, but she'd rather call it a travel down in memory lane.

It was him. It was Seobin.

"It was him." She whispered to herself. No wonder she can never trust that guy. He was the guy that touched Tzuyu that night nearly 4 years ago.

She held her head again. Now she knows what the aftermath of drinking feels like. She hated it. She tried to remember what happened last night. Unfortunately, she still couldn't remember.

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