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"Unnie, what are you doing?" Tzuyu asked as she was passing by her older sister's room. Sana was sitting on her bed, talking to herself. Tzuyu heard her mumble so she was wondering what she was doing.

Sana froze as she got caught. "Um, I was trying to memorize song lyrics." She lied, but hoping Tzuyu would believe it. "Yeah but why in that way? You sound like a witch that's about to curse someone." Tzuyu told her. Sana pouted.

"Whatever, go out." She shooed Tzuyu away. "No, you're supposed to be the one going out." Tzuyu said. Sana furrowed her eyebrows. "But this is my room!" She said.

Tzuyu face palmed. "That's not what I meant. You think I don't notice that you've been in your room all summer?" Sana was caught again. Tzuyu was right. She was trying her best to avoid the younger girl.

What she was mumbling a while ago was about her telling herself to stop whatever she's been feeling. It's been a few months and her feelings were growing. She doesn't want to admit it to herself. Seeing her everyday wasn't helping, either. She has no choice, they're sisters, but that fact made it worse.

"I have?" Sana asked, acting like she was clueless. Tzuyu raised her brow. "You're not aware?" She asked. Sana just shrugged. Tzuyu sighed and grabbed her older sister's arm and led them out of their house.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" Sana kept asking. "We're going out." Sana didn't want to misinterpret her, but then she knew what she meant. "School is starting in a week. I want you to spend it outdoors." Tzuyu said.

"I'm not Mina, in case you don't know!" Sana shot back at her. "Mina unnie has a reason. No offense to her but she's shy and also a gamer. She prefers to be inside. Just like penguins and their igloos." Tzuyu explained.

"And you, you're not like that. We both know that. You've also been acting weird lately. It's almost like you're not yourself." She continued.

Sana always tried to avoid conversations like these. Now, she doesn't exactly know what to say. "I mean, is it bad? Just a little change, you know?" She said. Tzuyu was taken aback.

"Just a little? You barely even talk to me." She said and walked further away from her. Sana couldn't figure out if the girl was pissed off or disappointed. "Tzuyu!" Sana called but the girl just ignored her.

"Tzuyu!" She called again and the girl stopped in her tracks. Sana was finally able to catch up. She hugged the taller one from behind. "I'm sorry, okay?" She whispered.

Tzuyu turned around. "What's wrong, Sana unnie? You know you can tell me. We're sisters." She said. 'Yeah, we're sisters. Always have been, always will be.' Sana thought but she let that thought go out of her head.

She stared into Tzuyu's eyes, almost like she was trying to tell her indirectly how she feels. Tzuyu just stood there, doing the same. Then, realization hit her. "Wait... oh God." She walked away.

Sana panicked. She was wondering if Tzuyu found out. She was so scared that her heart was beating fast. "Tzuyu!" She called. The girl turned around. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

Now, Sana was confused. "Why are you sorry?" She asked. "Is the reason because of the incident that happened after we went to Band Night?" Tzuyu was concerned.

Sana was relieved that Tzuyu thought of something else. She decided to play along. "I-I guess it was." She said, purposely stuttering. Tzuyu covered her face in regret. "I'm so sorry for pushing you into telling me." She apologized again.

"Tzuyu, that's okay. It's not your fault. It can't be since you were the one who saved me." Sana comforted the girl. "I guess I was still slightly traumatized."

"But are you okay now?" Tzuyu asked. Sana nodded. "Maybe I will be." The younger one sighed in relief. "Come here." She opened her arms to hug her sister.

The two of them let go when Sana spoke. "I wanna pee." She said out of the blue. Tzuyu didn't expect her to say that. She just laughed, anyways. "Where are you gonna pee? We're just in our neighborhood but our house is pretty far away already." She said.

"I'll just run back pretty quick. I promise I'll be careful." Sana reassured. "Okay fine. Just don't trip on an invisible rock, please." She joked. Sana playfully glared at her.

"I want to fight back but I really need to pee." She said. "Okay, go. I'll just wait over here." Tzuyu said then the squirrel quickly ran back to their house. She was surprised that her sister hasn't stumbled yet.

She leaned on a small tree, enjoying the fresh air, while patiently waiting for her sister. Suddenly, she heard a sound, somewhat similar to a bike crashing.

And it really was a bike crashing. The bike was toppled over and the one riding it groaned as he got up. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" Tzuyu said as she ran over to him and helped him get up.

"Yeah, I'm good." The boy said. Tzuyu looked at him. He looks like he was the same age as her. "Oh, hi." He shyly greeted. "Hey." Tzuyu awkwardly waved.

"Sorry, you're just so pretty." The boy accidentally spilled out. "Oh." Tzuyu laughed awkwardly. "Thanks I guess." She said. She hid her face as she felt herself blushing. "I'm really sorry, but umm... my name is Seobin." He introduced himself. "Yoon Seobin."

"I'm Chou Tzuyu." Tzuyu did the same and showed him a smile. Just then, she heard a slighly angry squirrel coming her way. "Hey, who's this?" Sana asked her sister.

"Oh, Seobin, this is my sister, Sana unnie." She told the boy. "Wow, I guess 'pretty' runs in the family." Seobin chuckled. Sana laughed the same way Tzuyu did earlier. "Thanks for the compliment, though." She said.

"No prob. So I better get going. A friend's waiting for me." Seobin said and got on his bike again. "Yeah you should." Sana mumbled. Seobin turned to her. "What?" He asked.

"Oh, I said, take care. I'm guessing you fell off your bike." She said while pointing at his bike. "Yeah, I did."

"Nice seeing you, girls." He said before riding off. Sana glared at the boy who just left. "Where'd he come from?" Sana asked the younger girl. Tzuyu shrugged. "I dunno. But I helped him after he fell."

Sana nodded. "He was very flirty." She said, with a little hate in her voice. Tzuyu chuckled. "Maybe, but he was pretty sweet." She said and started walking again.

Sana furrowed her eyebrows. She was thinking how could Tzuyu find a kinda creepy guy like him sweet. 'Bish, where exactly?'


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