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"Where are you going?" Sana asked as Tzuyu went down the stairs. "I'm going with Seobin. I promised I'd hang out with him today, remember?" She told her sister.

"Oh right." Sana tried her best not to roll her eyes. Tzuyu thought of something. "You wanna come with us?" She suggested. "Why are you asking me?" Sana askes her.

"I don't want you to get bored here." Tzuyu said. Dang, she's being concerned again. Sana thought.

"Thanks for the concern and offer but..." Sana paused for a second then she changed her mind. "Actually, sure. I wanna come. Wait here." Sana said as she stood up and went to her room.


After Sana dressed up, she and Tzuyu waited for Seobin outside. The boy finally arrived and he waved at Tzuyu. "Hi Tzuyu!" Then he noticed Sana. "Hi Sana!"

Sana just smiled at him. "I brought my sister along, I hope that's okay." Tzuyu told Seobin. The boy looked at Sana. She found it suspiscious, probably because his eyes are always like that but she found it strange.

"Of course, it is. We shall go then." He said and the three of them went to the mall. "So what are we doing?" Tzuyu asked. "Oh, you know, just strolling." Seobin answered.

'Just strolling? He literally just wasted Tzuyu's time and because of that, also my time. We could've done homework if it wasn't for him.' Sana thought.

"You guys wait here. I'll go to the restroom first." Seobin said and ran to the nearest restroom. Sana sighed in relief. Tzuyu thought it was a sign that Sana was exhausted. "You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." Sana replied. Tzuyu examined her face. "From the way I see it, you don't look really good." She said. Sana looked at her. "Why not?" She asked.

"Is something pissing you off?" Tzuyu asked back. "Probably." Sana answered. "This boy is just wasting our time, Tzuyu." She said.

"Oh, c'mon he's not so bad. He seems like a great guy." Tzuyu told her older sister. "Yeah right." She scoffed. Tzuyu rubbed Sana's shoulder. "Maybe once you get to know him more, you'll change your mind."

"Maybe after today, you'll like him." She added. Sana raised a brow at her. "I meant, as a friend." Tzuyu corrected.

Just then, Seobin came back. "I'm back, sorry to keep you girls waiting." He said and put his hand on Tzuyu's shoulder. Sana's sister senses went off. She was starting to get triggered again.

"I hope you washed your hands." She was unaware that she told him that, but thought that he needed to hear it. Seobin laughed and dropped his hand. "Oh, of course I did. Don't worry."

"So are you girls hungry?" He asked. The two girls just nodded. "Ok then, let's go to the food court." Seobin said.

The 3 of them were deciding what to eat. "What do you want, Tzuyu?" Seobin asked the girl. She thought for a while. "I'm in the mood for a corndog." She said.

"Oh me too!" Seobin smiled. "What about you, Sana?" He asked. "I'll just get a shake. I'm not that hungry." Sana answered.

Seobin nodded. "Sure, I'll go grab those, and I'll be right back." He said. Sana cut him off. "Wait, no, it's okay. You can buy the corndog. I'll buy the milkshake by myself." She said.

"You sure?" He asked. Sana nodded. "Alright. Tzuyu you wanna come with me?" He suggested. Tzuyu didn't hesitate to answer. "Sure!" She said.

Sana felt very uncomfortable. She sighed and bought her milkshake. She sat by a table and drank her drink. Suddenly, a boy sat next to her. She raised an eyebrow. "May I help you?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering why a lady as beautiful as you is sitting alone here." The boy said. Sana laughed awkwardly then it transitioned into a sarcastic one. "Yeah, so we can avoid jerks like you." She shot back.

The boy was amused by her savageness. "That's cool but hot too." He shrugged. "I'm Hangyul by the way." He introduced himself.

"I'm Sana, not so nice to meet you." She smiled sarcastically. "Woah, you better chill there." He laughed. "Just wanted to get to know you." He said.

"Well, I don't. I'm not interested." She told him and took a sip of her drink. Unfortunately, the boy didn't give up. He tried to reach for Sana's hand but she quickly swatted his hand.

"Leave me alone." She told him. And as if she was saved by the bell...

"Sana unnie?" She heard Tzuyu's voice. "Excuse me, but you should stay away from her." Tzuyu told the boy. "Oh well, who's this, your girlfriend?" Hangyul asked. Sana knew that if it was a different situation, she would've blushed. Right now, it wasn't the time.

"Shut up you d*ckhead. She's my sister." Tzuyu shot back at him. "Sister? Wow! That's what they call it now?" The boy laughed.

"Sana is this guy bothering you?" Seobin finally spoke up. "Well yes he is." Sana answered.

Seobin turned to the guy who was with Sana. "Dude, the girl's not interested in you. Just leave." He told him. The other guy laughed.

"What's wrong with you, dude? Is this some sort of love triangle?" Hangyul mocked.

"You're with her but are you dating her too? You should try to be loyal." Hangyul shot back at him. "Man, enough, okay? You're bothering her, get out of here." Seobin told him.

Hangyul gave up and walked away. "Thank you Seobin." Sana thanked the boy. "No problem." He smiled.


Seobin brought the girls home. After what happened in the mall, they decided to call it a day.

"So what did you think?" Tzuyu asked Sana. "Of what?" Sana asked her back. "Of Seobin." Tzuyu said, like it was obvious.

"I told you he wasn't that bad." She added. Sana just shrugged. "He did save me from that jerk but it still doesn't make me change my mind." She told her.

"I just don't really trust him yet, Tzu." She said. Tzuyu nodded. "Maybe. So anyways, change topic. What did that guy do to you?" She asked.

Sana told her it was nothing. "It's not that of a big deal." She shook her head. "Uh yes it is. It may be a smaller deal than what happened to me but we still need to report that. That was really disrespectful." Tzuyu told her.

"We didn't even report yours." Sana reminded her. Tzuyu sighed in defeat. "You're right. But are you sure you're okay?" She asked. Sana reassured her. "I'm perfectly fine, Tzuyu."


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