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"Yay! You guys finally made it!" Nayeon cheered as Sana and Tzuyu finally arrived at her birthday party. "Of course, we wouldn't miss your birthday." Sana hugged the older girl.

"We got you a present, unnie!" Tzuyu said as she gave Nayeon the simply wrapped gift. Nayeon happily received it. "Thank you, guys. Now come on in. Enjoy the party." She thanked the girls and invited them inside.

Tzuyu walked in and joined her other friends who were already there. Sana, on the other hand, pulled Nayeon aside. "Did you invite Seobin?" She whispered cautiously.

"Of course not. I only invited my closest friends and classmates. I barely know him and he's a bit creepy to me." Nayeon answered the girl. Sana sighed in relief. "Oh thank God."

"Wait..." She paused. "You don't like him either?" Sana asked. Nayeon nodded. "He's just weird. There's something about him and it doesn't feel good. I'm honestly worried about Tzuyu." She said.

"Me too." Sana agreed and nodded. "Then why aren't you doing anything?" Nayeon asked as she looked at her. "Oh trust me, I am. Momo and the boys are helping me find out what that guy is up to, or more like what he is." Sana replied.

"That's good. Jeong and I will help you guys out too." Nayeon said. "Thank you." Sana said.

"By the way..." Nayeon spoke up and Sana looked at her, telling her to continue. "Who did that to Dino's eye?" Nayeon asked, referring to the younger boy's black eye.

"Seobin did." Sana answered and Nayeon's eyes widened. She covered her mouth in shock. "No way! For what reason?" She asked. "Just because Dino hugged Tzuyu." Sana told her.

"That's just overprotective. And he doesn't even have the right to!" Nayeon said. "I know, right? I mean, I am also overprotective or at least I used to be or I don't know..." Sana was rambling.

"But at least I don't punch people!" Sana continued. "You're right." Nayeon nodded. "And she's your sister so there's nothing wrong with it." Sana nodded, but deep inside, she was thinking... I could count a thousand reasons why there's something wrong with it. More like, something wrong with me.

"To be honest, I didn't get enough sleep last night." Sana admitted. Nayeon asked her why. "I was up all night thinking about who Seobin could be. I feel like I've met him before." Sana said.

"And like I've met him during a very bad situation and maybe that's the reason why I've never liked him from the start." She explained. "You know you should stop worrying for a while." Nayeon convinced her.

"We'll all figure this out. Right now, you should have fun." She told the younger girl. Sana decided to listen to her and she joined her friends who were crowding around the snack table, especially Momo.

"Hey Sana." Jeongyeon called the girl. Sana looked at her. "We have beer, you want?" Jeongyeon asked her.

Sana thought for a while. "Maybe if I drink, it could help me clear my mind. I need to loosen up." She smiled at Jeongyeon. "Sure." She answered.

Jeongyeon gave her a red cup. Sana looked at it and took a sip. At first she didn't like it but mostly because it was her first time trying it. She was able to drink the rest of it afterwards.

"Well if you want more, it's just here." Jeongyeon said and left. Sana poured in more of the drink in her cup. Apparently, Sana had low alcohol tolerance and that she was already tipsy by her second cup.

She clumsily made her way to the couch. There, she saw her sister chilling. Tzuyu looked at her curiously. "Tzu tzu." Sana mumbled.

"Hi unnie." Tzuyu greeted her sister. She stared at her. "Were you drinking?" She asked her. "Yup." Sana said emphazing the 'p' sound.

"Oh, you never drink." Tzuyu told her. Sana took another sip of her drink. "There's a first time for everything, am I right?" Sana told the younger girl.

"Well, you still seem, okay. Just don't go overboard." Tzuyu said. Sana knew she heard that before, also coming from Tzuyu. "I don't know how to deal with you when you're drunk." The taller girl said.

"I'm pitsy." Sana said. Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows. "What?" She asked. Sana groaned and spoke again. "I'm spity." She said a little louder.

Tzuyu was still confused but she figured out what Sana was trying to say. "You mean, you're tipsy?" She asked. Sana's eyes widened in satisfaction. "Yeah that one." She said.

"Okay, maybe that's enough." Tzuyu said and took the cup away from Sana. The girl unexpectedly didn't react negatively.

The two girls only sat there in silence. Sana closed her eyes and held her head low. Her hair was covering majority of her face. Little did she know that Tzuyu was staring at her.

She lifted her head up and looked at Tzuyu. Her vision was getting blurry. "Tzuyu..." She mumbled. It took a while for Tzuyu to answer. She then snapped out of her thoughts. She hummed in response.

Sana slid closer to her. Tzuyu uncomfortably shifted a bit, away from her. "Unnie, what are you doing?" She asked. Sana ignored her question. "Tzuyu..." She repeated.

"I'm in love with you..." She was unaware of her sudden confession because of her drunk state. She moved her face closer until their nose touched. Tzuyu was surprised with what she heard.

She was startled when Sana's face or rather, lips, was already centimeters away from hers. She jumped from her seat and stood up. That resulted for Sana's face to hit the arm rest of the couch.

It was like she was hit back to reality. She realized what she just said and what she was about to do. Sana stood up.

"Oh my God." She heard Momo mumble from behind. Everyone else didn't see what had just happened, except for Momo, JB, Jackson, Mingyu and Dino. Momo and the boys had their eyes widened and jaws dropped.

"Tzuyu..." She called. She hated herself for doing that. She regretted everything.

"Unnie, you're drunk." Tzuyu said. Sana feels like she was sober again, but not exactly. She just wished she could turn back time. "No." Tzuyu held her head.

"Tzuyu..." Sana attempted to go closer to her sister but the younger one quickly moved away. "No." She shook her head and walked out.

Sana followed her but a second later, a loud thud was heard. Tzuyu looked back and she saw Sana collapse on the ground.

Everyone around looked at where the sound came from. Tzuyu hesitated to go to her sister, but eventually she did. She was Sana's only hope to get home when she was drunk (and maybe Jun too). Tzuyu lifted her up and asked their cousin to drive them home, after bidding goodbye to the rest and thanking Nayeon.


They finally arrived home and Tzuyu ignored the questions her parents were asking. Jun was the one who explained everything to their parents. Minus the confession and the 'almost kiss', of course since he didn't know that happened.

Tzuyu brought Sana up to her room. She thought that she still smelled like her perfume. After all, Sana didn't drink a lot. She recalled what Sana just said to her.

She didn't know that her own sister felt that way. She didn't know why and how. She was about to leave when Sana grabbed her arm. "Tzuyu..." She groaned.

Tzuyu only looked at her. Sana's eyelids were barely open. "Drunk people don't lie..." She said. Tzuyu only stayed quiet.

"I really am in love with you." That was the last thing Sana said before she completely passed out.


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