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It's finally Students' Fair, the kids' favorite part of the school year. And just like every year, Sana and Tzuyu would always wake up early than usual and prepare their own breakfast, but of course, also for their parents.

They would usually wake up at around 5 instead of 6 just so they could go to school early..Their parents were used to this kind of habit, so they would expect that the kids are already gone before they even woke up.

And to add in, they would do this for all 3 days. Before leaving, they left a note for their parents, just like what they always do at this time of the school year.

"Unnie, let's go!" Tzuyu yelled like a little child. "Alright, alright, I'm coming!" Sana said and ran to the door, trying to catch up with her younger sister.

Since they know they have a lot of time in hands, they just walked. When they reached tge school, they weren't surprised that it was slightly empty and quiet. They only saw a few students and that includes JB since he's part of the ones who are organizing the event.

"Hey Sana, Hey Tzuyu." The boy greeted when he saw the two approaching. "Early again?" He joked.

"As always." Sana said and flipped her hair while her younger sister just looked at her weirdly. When they're early, they would also help the other students set up the tents, booths, etc. They would also help arranging the sound equipment.


It was already 7:30 and the fair finally started. Just like each year, the MC's would be doing a really short intermission number before starting everything.

Jackson was one of them and he was hosting with one of Tzuyu's classmates named Jeon Somi.

They thought it would be a good idea for them to host together because it will be a good flow of languages. So they had a short intermission number of 'Baby Shark' to hype everyone up.

"Wazup everyone!" They both yelled in unison after finishing the song and the crowd shouted along.

"I'm Jackson Wang."

"And I'm Jeon Somi."

"And we'll be your MC's for this year's Students' Fair." They introduced themselves. "Oh and we apologize about how we started off this event." Jackson said and both bowed but the crowd just laughed it off, anyways.

"So we aren't gonna take long for now, we hope you would all enjoy. Thank you." Somi said and both MC's went down the stage.

"What do you wanna do first, Tzuyu?" Sana asked. The younger thought for a while before giving her an answer. "Let's go to the photo booth before a line would be made.

The older then nodded and both of them rushed to the photo booth. No one was lining up yet so they were lucky enough that they were able to take pictures together.

After the picture printed Sana then took the copy. "I'll keep it for a while." She said and the taller agreed.

"I heard that they finally have Takoyaki this year." Tzuyu mentioned and the other's face immediately lit up. "Really?"

"Yup. Do you want me to get you one?"

"Yes please."

Tzuyu laughed. "And I thought I was the younger one."


"I'm just kidding. I'll go buy us food now." Tzuyu said and walked to the food stalls. Sana sat down on the bench waiting for the younger one.

"Hey Sana!" Sana's friends greeted. "Hi guys." She smiled. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and the rest finally showed up.

"So, Momo, when's your performance?" Mina, their penguin-like friend asked.

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