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Sana, Hangyul and the rest was able to catch up with Momo, Dino, and JB. But, they were surprised when they saw them standing by the doorway.

"What's wrong?" Sana asked. "It's locked." JB told them. Hangyul fished out some keys from his pockets and unlocked the door, to everyone's surprised.

"Just keep quiet. He's most probably upstairs. I'll be here and I'll go call the police." Hangyul told them. Sana looked at him. "You really are helping us?" She asked him.

Hangyul nodded. "Of course." He said. Sana smiled. "Thank you." He smiled back. "You're welcome. Now, go." He said as Sana and the others went up quietly.


"Hey Tzuyu!" Seobin greeted as the girl arrived. "Hi!" She stepped inside his house. "Where's Chaeyoung?" She asked.

"Oh she said she'll be running late." Seobin answered. "Now, let's not waste time, follow me." He said and led her upstairs to his room.

"Cool room." Tzuyu said as she looked around. "Thank you." Seobin said and walked behind her. He whispered in her ears. "We can make it hot after we f*ck around." He said.

"What?" Tzuyu asked but wasn't able to say anything else when Seobin grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. "Your sister's not here to save you anymore, baby girl." He growled.

He slid his hand under her shirt. Tzuyu tried to push him away but he was too strong. "Get away from me!" She yelled. She didn't know what to do so she just kicked his crotch. The boy groaned in pain and let go of her.

He fell on the floor while clutching his crotch. Tzuyu used this opportunity to escape but Seobin grabbed her wrist.

"You're not going anywhere!" He yelled. Then the door bursted open.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SISTER!" Tzuyu knew that voice, she was so happy to hear that. Dino ran inside and punched Seobin in his face. Sana pulled Tzuyu to her. The other girl has never felt so relieved in her life.

"I was about to go for your eye just like what you did to me, but I figured your face needs the damage much more." Dino glared at him. The boys all gathered around him. Jun kneed his crotch. "That's what you get for messing with my cousins." He growled.

They were able to hold onto him until the cops arrived. They handcuffed him and shoved him into the car. The head officer was now talking to Hangyul and Sana.

"Ahh, it's this kid. We finally got him." He said. Sana was confused. "Finally got him. What do you mean?" She asked. "We've been looking for this kid for years. We looked for him under the name 'Yoon Byunghwi' but apparently he changed his name to Yoon Seobin." The man explained.

"He's been committing crime around South Korea. Robbery, he even tried underage smoking and drug use, but his first one was sexual act with a minor." The officer explained. Sana knew what he was talking about.

"Yeah that was most probably my sister." She mumbled. She then thought of something. "Wait, that incident happened to Tzuyu when she was 14 so you're telling me Seobin at that time was also 14?" She asked Hangyul.

The boy shook his head. "Nope. Seobin and I are both turning 21." Sana's eyes widened. "Are you serious? He wasn't the same age as Tzuyu?" She asked him. The boy nodded. "Then what was he doing in our school?" She asked.

Hangyul shrugged. "More mischief probably." He answered. "You said he forced you into doing things so weren't you part of all his mischief?" She asked.

"After what happened to your sister a few years ago, I stopped and turned myself in. After that, I got some help."

"I thought I escaped from him but then he found me. I was still dumb enough to realize that he was only using me cuz I thought he wanted to help my family." He explained. Sana nodded. "I'm sorry."

Hangyul smiled. "That's alright. At least I don't have to deal with him anymore." He said. They had a little more talks with the officer before he left. Sana thanked Hangyul once again before the boy had to leave as well.

Jun and JB went to contact Sana and Tzuyu's parents. Momo and the rest were outside, and Tzuyu was still inside the house. Sana decided to check on her.

She saw the girl standing by the window. She noticed her older sister's presence so she turned around. Tzuyu walked over to Sana and hugged her.

"You were right. I should've listened to you. I'm so sorry." She whispered. Sana comforted the younger girl. "Don't apologize. It's okay." She said.

"I'm also sorry for the way I acted earlier." Tzuyu looked at her. "Thank you for coming after me." She said. "Of course. I..." Sana took a pause after almost having another slip of the tongue. "Love you. You're my sister." Those words were almost too painful for Sana to say.

What she didn't expect was for Tzuyu to lean in and lock their lips together. Something in them told them that it was right. They enjoyed that moment.

Suddenly, the door opened which revealed their parents who had their eyes widened. The two pulled away from each other and looked at them like they just saw a ghost.

"Mom." "Dad." They said at the same time.


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