1. Secret Crush Steve X Reader Part

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Your POV

You had been working for and with the Avengers for a while now. You got on pretty well with everyone you worked beside. The only downfall in it all was that you never went out on any missions with the team, the reason being for this is because you are Tony Stark's daughter, well his and Pepper's adopted daughter. They had adopted you a while back when you were very young after your mum died in birth and your father basically left you with Tony and Pepper. They raised you well and you loved them both & couldn't thank them enough for all they had done for you. Anyway the more you worked with the team you enjoyed it but you especially loved it more when you got to work and train with a certain super solider. Yes you had developed a secret crush on Steve Rogers AKA Captain America. You decided it was best to avoid Steve as much as possible so you wouldn't do anything to embarrass yourself infront of him or anyone from the team. You had just finished another hard day's work and wanted to do nothing more than just get into your room and collapse onto your bed. 

You had just entered your room and locked your door then threw yourself down on your bed and closed your eyes. Suddenly a hand covered your mouth causing you to jolt awake and look up. As you did you were shocked to see none other than the super soldier who you had been avoiding these past few weeks. 

"Shhh please don't scream" Steve asked you

Your eyes only grew wide with what he had just asked. All sorts of things started to rush into your mind. You were sure that maybe the building was under attack or something. 

"What's going on ? Are we under attack ?" You whispered back in a slight panic.

"No we aren't" Steve answered. 

At this answer you were able to relax a bit but you were still confused as to why Steve was still in your room. 

"Okay so why are you hiding here in my room ?" You asked

You watched as Steve got up from his spot next to you and sat at then end of your bed before he turned to look at you.

"I need to ask you something, it's something I'd really like to know the answer too, why have you been avoiding me these last few weeks ?" Steve asked.

You were shocked especially as he had just caught you off guard. You knew you couldn't lie too much especially as most of the others had seen you from time to time. 

"I haven't been avoiding you, It's just that I've been very busy lately with work and I haven't felt like going out much I've just been crashing out very early" You reply. 

It wasn't really a lie it was the truth. 

"Why don't I take you out for dinner sometime, my treat" Steve says catching you even more off guard.

"Okay sure when were you thinking ?" You nervously ask.

"Either tonight or tomorrow night" Steve suggests

"It's kinda late now we won't get anywhere at this time of night" You reply

"I know a little place we can go to" Steve suggests.

"Okay as long as it isn't McDonald's" You joke

"Oh hell no I'm not that cheap" He jokes back

You giggle at his sassy come back.

"Okay Cap just let me change quickly out of my working clothes please" You say

"Okay I'll just be waiting in the lounge for you" Steve says as he gets up to leave

"What would be suitable for me to wear ?" You quickly ask before he leaves your room.

"Just wear whatever you are comfortable in, doesn't have to be anything too fancy" Steve says before he leaves your room.

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