20. You Were The Price I Chose Steve X Reader

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Your POV

You had just left some lame party that your best friend had managed to get an invite too, she had asked for you to go along with her. The party wasn't your scene or anything different that you hadn't seen or been to before, loud music, loads of alcohol and a crowded place filled with people dancing, making out and people who can't control their alcohol intake. You had lost your best friend after she went off with some guy she met at the party. You were going to take your normal route home but you were really tired and just wanted home quickly so you decided to take the short cut. You crossed the road and walked down the street until you came to the alley way. As you reached the alley, A black range rover pulled up beside you.

"Hey doll, need a ride ?" A male voice asked as the window to the car rolled down. 

You turned to see if it was anyone you know but you had honestly never seen this guy before. You couldn't tell his exact height or weight since he was sitting down and driving, he had blonde hair and clear blue eyes. You also noticed his cocky smile and that he was wearing a black leather jacket. 

"No thanks weirdo" You reply before quickly walking off, making your way home

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"No thanks weirdo" You reply before quickly walking off, making your way home. The unknown guy revved his engine before he sped past you down the street. This sort of thing never usually bothered you but this time you had a more unsettling feeling about it. You quickly brush it off as you reach the second alley way that you have to use in order to get home quicker. As you are about halfway walking threw the alley, you spot a black range rover at the other end. 

"Surely that can't be  that same one from before with that creepy driver as before ?!" You begin to think to yourself. 

As you walk slowly, more closer to the end of the alley, you realise that it is indeed the same one as before. You notice, that there is no one in the car as you get closer. You start to feel a wave of relief wash over you and you continue to walk the rest of your way home. All of a sudden, you feel a hand grab you around your waist and then a damp cloth is placed over your mouth. 

"Shhh just breath doll, everything is gonna be okay" A male voice whispers in your ear. 

You tried kicking and squirming but the mysterious guy just holds you tighter. You feel yourself drifting in and out of darkness and consciousness. The last thing you remember is your body feeling heavy then being laid down in the back seats of the range rover. 

"Everything is gonna be okay now sweetness" The male voice repeats one more time before you completely fall asleep.


As you begin to come too, you feel yourself wrapped in warmth. You soon realise that you are wrapped up in blankets and have fluffy pillows under your head. You begin to think the whole thing was just a bad dream. 

"Oh ha ha ha it was only a bad dream I had" You say in a quiet voice as you chuckle to yourself.

"No it wasn't doll face" A familiar male voice said. 

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