18. Mixed Signals Chris X Reader

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Your POV

You were currently helping one of your closest friends get ready for her wedding. She had asked you to be a bridesmaid and you accepted happily at the time. She left it till last minute to tell you that Chris Evans was gonna be the best man. You had met Chris a few times and tried speaking to him but he never spoke to you which confused you. You had always seen Chris as a nice and easy to speak to guy, friendly, kind and funny. He wasn't like that with you. 

"Hey Y/N are you gonna be okay at the church and the hotel later ?" Your best friend asked you as she walked over to you offering you a glass of champagne.

You take the champagne from her and take a sip before answering.

"Yeah I just won't look at him, by him I mean Chris" 

"I'm not too sure why he hasn't spoken to you yet, maybe he was shy but he's working up to it ?" your best friend suggests.

"I don't think so, I mean I've tried talking to him so many times but he either just walks away when he sees me going to walk towards him, he moves or finds someone to talk to" you tell her

"Y/N" Your friend begins but you cut her off

"Come on we best get ready, you have a wedding to get too" You say standing up.


You walked down the aisle in front of your best friend in your bridesmaid dress and holding your flowers. You had smiled at most of the people there as you knew them to be friends and family. You had looked everywhere except at Chris who was standing at the altar with the groom. Once you reached the top of the altar, you took your seat beside the other bridesmaids. You took glances over at your friends who were getting married but kept your eyes off Chris. The ceremony went smoothly without anything going wrong. Once the ceremony was finished and your friends were pronounced husband and wife, you had followed them out of the church. Now you all had to make your way to the hotel where the wedding party was being held. You had planned on getting into the hired the limo with the other bridesmaids until your friend stopped you.

"Hey Y/N I'm really sorry but could you please share Chris' limo with him ? The bridesmaid one is full" she explains to you.

"Can't one of the others go instead?" You practically beg her

"Sorry Y/N but when the limos were booked, we only booked three, one for the girls, one for me and my newly wed husband and one for you and Chris" she told you. 

You wanted to argue with her, say you didn't want to go but you knew it was pointless arguing plus you'd feel guilty if you spoiled her big day and they did spend a lot of money on the limo for you. 

"Fine, okay I'll go" You say giving in and surrendering 

You reluctantly got into the limo but sat at the opposite side from Chris. You stayed quiet, trying to look out the tinted window but couldn't see much so you decided to look on your phone until you reached the hotel. It kinda hurt you that Chris hadn't even attempted to speak to you or even acknowledged you. You began to relax immediately when you felt the car stopping indicating that you had arrived at the hotel. You notice when you get out of your limo that the others had already arrived. You made your way inside to join the others. Your friend and her new husband is waiting by reception for both you and Chris.

"What's wrong ?" You ask

"Nothing is wrong we just want to get you both checked in for your rooms tonight" Your friend beams

"Rooms ?" Chris finally asks confused

"Yes, you have both helped us out so much and done so much to help us with this wedding we wanted to do something and give you both something back in return that we decided to book you both a room here to spend the night" Your best friend informed you both.

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