24. Disneyland Chris X Reader

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Your POV

"Mummy" (Mommy) You hear your five year old son, Oliver cheer as he runs towards you in your very large, spacious back garden. 

"Hey Olly, what's wrong ?" You look up and call him your favourite little shortened nickname.

"How long until we go to Disney ?" He asked pouting

As you looked at Oliver, you swear he looked and got more and more like your husband Chris everyday. Yes you were married to the one and only Chris Evans, you had a happy marriage and shared two beautiful boys. Oliver was your first born son, Jack was your youngest, he had only recently turned two. Chris had recently been trying to persuade you that you should try for a daughter. You had told him you were perfectly happy with him and your two boys. You knew Chris wanted more children and you would maybe consider it soon.

"Not tomorrow but the next again day be patient sweetie" You answer

"But it's Disney that means Toy Story, Cars, Mickey Mouse and loads more" Oliver cheered happily

"Keep your voice down Olly, your little brother is having a nap" you say but not in a strict tone, a calm one.

That was one thing, you and Chris were never strict with the boys. You kind of knew Chris would never be strict. He had wanted to be a father for so long, he had you all spoiled. 

"What going on here fam ?" Chris asked as he walked outside holding some grocery bags.

"Olly asking about Disney and how long until we go" you answer

You had begged Chris not to tell the boys, well Oliver about Disney as it would get him excited long before you were due to go. 

"Relax sweetheart, he's just getting excited like his daddy" Chris said before placing a kiss on your cheek

Of course Chris was also getting excited, he loved Disney. 

"I'm gonna go up and check on Jack while you get things started here" You say to Chris

It was a hot Summer day so you had decided to have a family barbeque. It was something simple but at least you could enjoy it in private, no paparazzi, you could all have as much fun as you wanted, of course Chris had bought the boys a kids swing park for the garden and a massive paddling pool as well as other toys. You had brought Jack down just in time for the barbeque starting. The four of you had fun and enjoyed you quality family time. 

A few days later and the four of you were now in Disneyland. Chris was just as bad as Oliver and as excited as him to be there, Jack was just happy. Jack was also fine on his first ever flight which you were thankful for. Chris and Oliver had gone on some of the rides there while you stayed with Jack, since he wasn't old enough to go on them and looked around at some of the shops and stalls around. You had even shown him some of the characters that people dressed up in and walked around in.

"Look baby there's Olaf" you smiled pointing to the huge Olaf character. 

Jack just giggled and smiled happily in your arms. He was so cute when he giggled. You and Chris both agreed both your boys would be treated the same and you made sure both got the same amount of money spent on them. Chris and Oliver soon joined you once their ride they were on had finished.

"Hey babe, you two okay ?" Chris asked as he joined you.

"Yeah we're great, just looking around and showing Jack some of the characters" You smile

"Hey daddy can we go on the spinning cups now ?" Oliver asked excitedly

"Sure if it's okay with your mum (mom)" Chris answered

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