2. Secret Crush Steve X Reader Part 2

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warning: Slight trigger of abuse / mention of abuse if your not comfortable reading then skip it or don't read.

Your POV

You had just arrived back at Stark Towers and were about to run right up to your room when a familiar male voice caught you off guard. 

"Y/N where were you last night ?" Tony asked as he stood leaning against a wall, arms folded. 

You honestly were not expecting Tony to be there waiting for you like this. 

"Urrmm dad...hi sorry I went for dinner with a friend last night and stayed over at their place. Sorry I know I should have called or texted you or Pepper to let you know" You said hoping he would be okay with this and not question you any further but of course Tony being the over protective dad he is, decided to ask more about it. 

"Who were you with Y/N ? Tell me" Tony asked

You sighed in defeat and headed to the kitchen and sat down. 

"Okay dad I will tell you but you need to promise me you won't get mad" You practically begged knowing he might flip if he knows you were with Steve. 

You watched Tony as he sat down across from you. 

"Right......do tell me" Tony said

You took a deep breath before you said anything.

"It was Steve" You said

"Steve as in Steve Rogers ?" Tony asked as if he wanted or needed you to confirm it was the super soldier you were talking about. 

You nodded quickly before telling him about last night.

"He took me out on his bike to this really cute little restaurant for dinner and then we went back to his but nothing like that happened I swear" You said once you seen the look on Tony's face, you continued to tell him more about last night. 

"Back at his place he gave me a t shirt and jogging bottoms to change into, then I laid on his chest and listened to his heartbeat and he held me in his arms and I just felt safe and protected" You finished. 

"I just can't believe he took you out on his bike" Tony said rolling his eyes before continuing what he was saying..

"I guess as long as your safe and home safe and in one piece without a scratch on you that is the most important thing" Tony finished.

"Well as you can see for yourself I am fine dad and not even one scratch on me. Like I told you and like Steve said it was only dinner but is it okay if I just stay here at Stark Tower and work from here for a while rather than at the Shield base ?" You asked. 

You honestly wanted to avoid Steve for a while not feeling able to look at him. 

"No course you can, I'm not too keen on shield base myself" Tony said. 

"Thanks dad, I'm just gonna change out these clothes and go for a quick run" You smiled as you go up from where you were sitting.

"Okay, just remember and stay safe" Tony said as he got up from his seat. 

You smiled before going and giving him a hug. He hugged you back and quickly kissed you forehead. 

"I am always safe dad" You laughed lightly knowing he only ever wants you to be safe. 

You went upstairs to your room and changed into your running clothes. You made sure you had enough battery in your phone before heading out into the streets of New York on your run. 

Steve POV

I was out on a run with Sam. I couldn't stop thinking about the previous night. I haven't done anything like that in a long time. 

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