23. Family Time Steve X Reader

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Your POV

You were currently sat on the floor playing happily with your year and a half old baby son, Oscar. He had a few of his toys scattered all over the floor, his stuffed toys, musical toys (Which of course Tony thought was a good idea for him). 

"Hey Oscar it's almost time for your afternoon nap" You smile over at him. Oscar just smiles and giggles at you. 

"I hope you sleep today for a few hours, give mummy (mommy) some time to clean up your toys before daddy comes home from work" You add

You and Steve (AKA Captain America) had been married for a good few years. You both shared two kids, your eldest daughter, Courtney who is 12 years old and little Oscar. It was a shock to you both when you fell pregnant both times but you were happy. You had tried a few times for another baby after Courtney was a certain age but you weren't successful so it was a shock when you found out you were pregnant for a second time. 

You saw the happy look on Oscar's face as soon as you mentioned his daddy. You knew how much Oscar loved and adored Steve. Oscar held his little baby arms up. You smiled about to pick him up.

"I think he'd prefer his daddy" A male voice said behind you. 

You look behind you and saw Steve standing there with a smile on his face. 

"How long have you been standing there ?" You ask

"Long enough" Steve smiles as he walks over to you both

"Ahhh" Oscar smiles at Steve

"Hey buddy have you been a good boy while daddy has been at work ?" Steve smiles at Oscar as he picks him up and sits him on his knee

Oscar just smiled and made a lot of happy baby noises. You take this as your chance and begin to clear up Oscar's toys. 

"Where's Courtney ?" Steve asked

"She's out with some friends just now" You answer

"She's supposed to be here, helping you" Steve said in an angry tone

"She has been but she does need some time out as well, time with her friends" You say trying to reason with him

"I'll take this little guy up and settle him down for his nap then we can catch up" Steve said as he stood up with Oscar. 

"Oh here" You say standing up and handing Steve Oscar's favourite teddy bear knowing he won't settle without out

"Thanks sweetheart" Steve smiled he placed a soft kiss to your forehead before he walked off upstairs to Oscar's nursery room

You finished cleaning up the messy family room with Oscar's toys and got them all put away in no time at all. 

Steve came back down once he had managed to get Oscar settled. 

"Come here" Steve said patting the seat next to him on the sofa.

You walked over and sat down next to Steve. Once you were comfortable, Steve wrapped his arm around you. 

"I've missed you all so much" Steve said

"We've all missed you too" you told him

You and Steve continued to sit and enjoy each other's company for a while, Steve told you some funny stories about the others while he was gone. You laughed at all his funny stories all the time. 

"I've missed the sound of your laugh" Steve said before he pulled you over onto his lap.

You both smiled before you leaned in and connected your lips with his. You were both so caught up in your make out session that you didn't even hear the front door open or close.

Steve Rogers / Captain America / Chris Evans One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now