26. Unwelcome Guest Chris X Reader

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Your POV

You had no idea how you had managed to end up in this scary situation, but, here you were, trapped and alone. You were trapped in your American home with a crazed stalker who had managed to break in and hold you captive. You couldn't believe how you night had ended up turning into this nightmare, you had previously been out with some of your friends including Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner and a few other of your celebrity friends. You hadn't wanted to go out since you were scared as you had recently been receiving all sorts of gifts and letters anonymously. At first you had thought maybe it was one of your friends but when they all denied it was them. A few times when you had gone out with all your friends, you would come home to find things moved from where you had left them. You had reported everything to the police and they took notes and everything in as evidence but whoever it was, had been clever as there was no finger prints left on anything you had received. 

"It's so good to finally be here with you and meet you" Your creepy stalker said trying to sound nice but he was anything but

"Please just get out of my house" You replied not even looking at him. 

He had taken your phone out your bad when you had come home early. He was already in your house again. The police had requested you find somewhere else to live until your then unknown stalker was caught but you were strong minded and stubborn so you refused to leave your own home. A few of your friends had even offered for you to live with them but you kindly declined their offer. You were your own person and loved your own space. 

"No need to be like that, I have waited so long to meet you and be here with you, you have no idea how had it's been for me" he said clearly not taking note of how distressed you were becoming. 

"Please, I just got home early, all I want is to go have a hot relaxing bath and settle for bed" You say hoping it just might work

"Bed ? At this early hour ?" Your captor says almost in a mocking voice

"Yeah well I have had a lot on recently and been very stressed out" You say in serious tone

"Well you don't have to worry anymore, I'm here for you now" he says as he comes near you

"I need to use my bathroom" you say

"Well I know for sure you can't escape since we're a good few feet off the ground and there is no other way for you to escape plus I have your mobile phone and I have cut your home phone wire so you can't call anyone for help" He says pointing out the obvious. 

You got up from where you were currently sitting and sprinted up to your bathroom before your captor could even follow you. Once you were inside your bathroom, with the door shut and locked, you quickly turned on the water tap before going over into the little mini cupboard you had, you pulled out your toiletry bag and opened it. Once you found what you needed in it, you put everything back and flushed the toilet then washed your hands and dried them before opening the door. Of course, when you opened the door that creep was there he looked angry. 

"What the hell have you just done ?" He asked in a demanding voice

"Been to the toilet, look its my womanly week, I wasn't gonna have some strange random guy watch me" You in a stern tone

"Okay fine, but if I find out you've done anything, things won't end well for you" he warns

You made your way back downstairs and decided to sit in your kitchen. You sat with your hands on your forehead trying to come up with the next part of your plan. You silently hoped and prayed it would work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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