4. Jealous Guy Steve X Reader

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You were sat on your chair in the Avenger's lab working along beside Bruce. You were still only in training so you couldn't go out too far on missions yet. That didn't bother you though as you quite enjoyed working along with Bruce when he was his happy human self. 

"You okay there Y/N ?" Bruce asked

"Yeah I'm fine" You smiled back

"You sure ? If you need anything just say or if you need Tony I can get him for you" Bruce said which confused you a little.

"Isn't Mr Stark away out on a mission with the others ?" You asked.

"You mean with Black Widow, Captain America, Falcon, Thor, Wanda and Clint ?" Bruce asked

"Yeah they set off for a mission last week or something" You replied

"Yeah but they will be back soon" Bruce informed you.


You were making your way up to Tony's main office room at Stark Tower. As you were making your way there, you were checking all the paper work in the file which you were carrying, trying to make sure you had everything in there which Tony had asked for. You were too busy focusing all your attention on the paper work that you weren't paying attention to where you were going. Suddenly someone bumped into you and you fell down. You didn't fall completely though as whoever had bumped into you, caught you. You looked up only for your eyes to lock with the one and only Steve Rogers. 

"Oh sorry there Y/N" Steve said as he helped you up.

"Oh it's okay Cap, it was my fault I should have watched where I was going" You try to say as calmly as possible.

"Where you off too ?" Steve asked

"Up to Mr Stark with this file, it's all the paper work he asked for" You answer truthfully.

"Here let me take it for you" Steve offers

"Oh it's okay you don't have too" You say not wanting the others to think you were being lazy or taking advantage.

"Y/N it's fine I'm heading up there just now anyway" Steve says very insistent

"Well Mr Stark did say he wanted to speak to me about something but I'm not too sure what it is" You inform Steve.

"Okay just thought I'd be a gentle man and offer to take it for you so you can rest those little legs of yours" Steve says as you both begin to make your way to the elevator. 

Once you reach your floor, you step out of the elevator and head for Tony's office. You knock first before you hear him shout "Come in" You open the door and walk in, with Steve behind you. 

"Ah Y/N just the person" Tony says as he makes his way towards you. 

"The paperwork and files you asked for Mr Stark" You say as you hand him the file.

"Thank you Y/N and please call me Tony" He says as he takes the files.

"Was that everything ?" You ask

"No actually, I'm throwing a little get together party tomorrow night and I expect to see you there, the others have all been told to be there as well" Tony says. 

You leave his office a little shocked that he said he expects you there rather than to ask you to go. 


You had spent most of Friday morning looking for a dress to wear to Tony's party. Eventually you had found the perfect dress in your favourite shop. The dress was your favourite colour and a nice style too. You managed to find the perfect shoes and accessories to match. Once you were home you decided to start getting ready. You styled your hair to how you wanted it and applied a little make up. Once you were ready, you made sure you had everything you needed and made your way to Stark Tower. 

Steve Rogers / Captain America / Chris Evans One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now