12. I Want You Back Chris X Reader

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Your POV

You lay awake in your bed. You hadn't slept in a few nights. Not since what had happened with Chris. It was only by chance you had met him after agreeing to do an interview with him for your best and oldest friend. Since doing that interview, Chris always seemed to pop up wherever you were. You two had started something but you weren't sure what, after all Chris told you he didn't do romance and was a dominant. You keep replaying the last time you were with him, it was like a broken record that refused to stop playing in your head.


You had woken up after your long flight back home, you'd booked a secret trip to go and visit your mum for bit before you started your new job which you were successful in getting after sending the company a copy of your CV and doing an application and then got offered an interview. Chris wasn't pleased when he found out you planned a trip away without telling him. Of course in true Chris style, he turned up out of the blue to visit you.

Once you'd woken up, you found Chris downstairs in the lounge. He has some classical music playing in the background as he drinks a whisky. Your not sure if that is his first drink or not, to be honest you hardly ever saw Chris drink. He wasn't keen on you drinking too excessively. You hesitate, watching him from where you stood quietly in the hallway, watching him. He seemed so deep in his thoughts. All you really wanted to do was hold him but Chris hated anyone touching him. You take note of how Chris looked sad, lost and maybe even achingly lonely. You cautiously moved from your spot and walked slowly over to him, he soon caught sight of you.

"Hey, you should be asleep" Chris said as you approached him

"So should you" You said scolding him

"Are you scolding me miss Y/L/N ?" Chris asked amused

You both talked for a bit before you decided to have fun which resulted in Chris chasing you around his pent house. It resulted in you asking Chris to show you how bad things could or would get if he ever wanted to punish you badly. He took you to another room and well it was pretty bad. You decided that you couldn't do it and that you weren't what Chris wanted. Chris of course tried to convince you otherwise but failed.

"I've fallen in love with you" You said finally admitting your feelings towards him. Chris looked at you in shock.

"No Y/N you can't love me" He told you.

He left you alone to give you some space but all you did was get dressed. You left Chris with all the gifts he had bought for you while you were with him.

End of Flashback

You are brought out of your thoughts when someone rings the bell to your apartment. You go and open the door to see who it is. Stood there is a young delivery boy.

"Miss Y/N Y/L/N ?" he asks

"Yes that's me" You say giving him confirmation.

"These are for you" He says as he carefully hands you a bouquet of white roses. Your favorite flowers.

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