22. Hurtful Words Steve X Reader

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Your POV

You were currently cooped up in the S.H.E.I.L.D compound base and you were bored out of your mind. You had been working with and training with them for a while. You had even been in training with some of the Avengers. You felt ready to go out with them on a mission. You had tried to speak to Nat and Clint about your request and they said they would speak to the others about it and let you know what they think. Suddenly something had popped into your mind, you knew that they all sat down to talk late at night on their own before they left to go back to their homes. You decided to take this as your chance to do some snooping of your own. You quietly and easily slipped up into the vent and quietly crawled threw until you were sure you were at your correct location. You soon heard their familiar voices, you stayed up in the vent, out of sight from everyone and decided to listen in, hoping you hadn't missed Clint or Nat asking them about your request. 

"So how is Y/N coming along in training ?" Steve asked

"Yeah great, she's still eager to come out on a mission with us though" Clint replied

"Out of the question, she's not ready for what we have to face and battle with out there in that world" Tony said sternly.

You felt crushed and shocked that he could think that of you after all the times you had helped him and Bruce in the lab. 

"Should we take votes on this matter ?" Thor asked

"I agree with Tony, it's too dangerous for her" Steve agreed. 

"Guess we don't need to take votes on it then, it's clear she's not ready" Tony stated.

You tried your best not to cry and quietly made your way back to your room. Once in your room, you tried to think of what you could do as your next move. You were upset but also felt very angry. You grabbed your nearest hoodie and headed out, deciding it would be best to get some air and think up of your plan. On your way out, you hadn't noticed the other's. 

"Hey Y/N where you off too ?" Clint asked trying to sound happy

"Out" You replied without even stopping to talk or look at them. 

"Is she okay ?" Bruce asked confused

"She seemed very angry" Thor pointed out

"She is female maybe she's on her period or something" Tony said shrugging them off.

You found a quiet spot by  the river and sat by it thinking of what you could do as your next move to prove them all wrong. They didn't think you were ready but you were ready to prove them all wrong. The water and quiet helped you to think up your plan. 

-Next Day-

Steve and Clint had met up and made their way to the training room. When they reached the training room, they were confused as it was in complete darkness.

"This is strange, why aren't the lights on ?" Steve asked

"I don't know, I thought there would be training on" Clint replied.

The two men walked into the room and looked around. 

"Okay not only is this room dark, it's also very quiet. I don't like it" Clint said

"I agree, let's go-" Steve begins but gets cut off. 

An arrow was fired and had just missed them both. 

"The hell" Clint asked confused

"Hit the lights !" Steve shouted

Clint ran over to the lights and switched them on. Both Clint and Steve looked up and around the top of the room for the intruder. 

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