25. Complicated Situation Chris X Reader

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Your POV

You sigh to yourself as you look at your reflection in the mirror. You were due to start your new job today and you were a little nervous. You had only recently moved to America and struggled for a few weeks to get a new job. You were shocked when you had gotten an interview for this job and a bit more shocked when they called you and offered you the job. The job it's self- you were now Chris Evans new Personal Assistant. You had a lot of reasons to be nervous about today and this move but none that you would ever tell anyone. You finished getting ready before heading out. 

You left a little earlier so you could enjoy a peaceful walk and get some fresh air. You knew you had to check in with reception first and sign some paperwork and then you would be given all you work information you needed for the job. This job was practically your dream job, you had always been a massive fan of Chris Evans. You eventually came to the building and headed inside. Everyone was really nice and welcoming to you. You had a feeling you could become good friends with most of the people who worked there. You were sitting in your new office room, going threw your schedule, you had still to introduce yourself to Chris but he was doing an interview and wouldn't be back for a while. 

You were reading some of your paperwork but also deep in thought, you were brought out of your thoughts when you heard shuffling noises coming from the room next to yours. This confused you as you were told only you and Chris had an office on this floor. If Chris was still out at his interview, who could possibly be in his room ? You cautiously got up from your computer chair and walked out your room and next door. Chris' office door was all wooden with no glass so you couldn't see inside. You looked at the door again and noticed that it wasn't closed or locked. You decided to quietly push it open and see who it was that was in Chris' room. You looked around the room until your eyes landed on a tall male muscular figure, who was currently changing into a new top.

"Can I help you ?" You call over to the figure who had his back to you

Your sudden outburst had caused the figure to jump in fright but turn around to face you. You were shocked when you came face to face with Chris Evans.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Mr Evans. I thought you were out and someone had broken into your room or something" You begin to explain. 

You watch Chris as he sorts his new top, now covering his perfectly toned torso which you had previously just seen

"You are ?" Chris asks you confused

"Oh sorry, I'm Y/N, your new personal assistant" You explain

"Pleasure to meet you Y/N, sorry for starling you like this, my interview finished early and I came back here to change" Chris explained

"I'll leave you to finish up here and go back next door to my room" You say then leave

Once outside Chris' room, you let out a huge breath of air you didn't even know you were holding. You couldn't believe your first encounter with Chris Evans was one were you had walked in on him changing and seeing him half naked like that. You were soon brought out of your thoughts by a knock at your door. 

"Come in" you called out to whoever was behind the closed wooden door but you had an idea of who you thought it was. 

The door opened and Chris walked in, confirming your previous thought.

"Hey Y/N, are you okay ? I just came to say sorry about earlier" Chris said as he walked over to you.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it, we'll be laughing about it no time" you smiled

"How are you settling in so far ?" Chris asked

The two of you sat and talked for a while, getting to know more about each other. 

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