13. Saved From Loki By Steve - Steve X Reader

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Your POV

You had gone out on your first mission with Steve and Nat. Most of the avengers had been called in After Loki blew up the S.H.I.E.L.D compound and turned Clint to the dark side. You were currently on the quin jet with Steve and Nat. Steve left to go down and stop Loki. As Steve and Loki fought, Tony Stark appeared in his Iron Man outfit and helped Steve bring Loki aboard the jet so you could take Loki back to the compound. 

On your way back to the compound, the jet was hijacked by Thor who had managed to knock Tony out and grabbed Loki, unknown to anyone though, Loki had managed to wrap some of the chain that was holding him captive, around you so you ended up being taken as well. Your not sure how but Thor had managed to drop you while he landed with Loki. You fell down a tree going from branch to branch. You managed to hold onto a branch to stop yourself from falling anymore. 

"Ouch" You said as you felt your whole body and muscles ache. You gave yourself a few moments before you climbed down and limped back to the quin jet. 

"Jeez girl you okay ?" Nat asked when she seen you

"Don't ask" You replied and sat down.

The others got both Thor and Loki back on the jet before you headed back to the compound. Loki was taken right away and was locked up. You struggled to walk to your room so you could take a shower and freshen up and grab a few painkillers. 

"Y/N, are you okay ? Do you need any help ?" Steve asked as he walked over to you

"No, I'm in so much pain since I was dropped from I don't know how high and fell branch from branch down a tree" You grumbled

Steve picked you up without another word being said and carried you bridal style to your room. On your way out, you heard Tony being, well Tony and whistling a wedding song when he caught sight of you. You quickly flipped him off. Steve carried you all the way to your room and laid you down carefully on your sofa. 

"Is there anything else I can do for you ?" Steve offered.

"No you've been great, thanks Steve" You smile weakly at him

Instead of going for your shower or bath like you had planned, you fell asleep on your sofa. You were woken up by a loud bang and violent shaking. You soon heard the alarm go off, indicating that you were under attack. You quickly took two painkillers before heading back out to try and find some of the others to find out what was happening. As you run along the corridor, you notice everyone is splitting up into teams. 

"Y/N what are you doing out of your room ?" Steve asked when he spotted you

"I came here to help, we're under attack" You said stating the obvious to him.

"Well yes we are technically yes but your not able to move very far or fast" Steve said trying to sound authoritative 

"Well I'm here now so I'm helping" You tell him, refusing to back down

Knowing it was going to be pointless arguing with you, Steve backed down and agreed to let you help. He started by giving you some simple instructions on where to help. You were tasked with going to the vault where Loki was to help the team there and make sure Loki was still locked up. As you arrived you hear shouting coming from the room. You stayed as quiet as possible so you could check out the situation. You saw that Loki had tricked Thor and now Thor was in the huge glass container thing where Loki had previously been held. Loki banished Thor before he turned and spoke to Clint, who was still under his spell for the time being. You tried to keep as quiet as possible but it just seemed almost impossible as you were still in a lot of pain and aching all over. You notice how quiet it has suddenly gotten. You carefully take a quick glance around the room to see it empty except for the agents killed or wounded. 

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