9. Mummy Look ! Its Captain America Steve X Reader

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Your POV

It was another lovely bright Summer day. You had already decided that you were going to be going and take your two year old son, Josh out to the park for a bit. You knew how much he loved the park and more importantly how much he loved to run around with his favorite football. You had already began to pack a bag whilst Josh was still asleep, it was still early and you were an early riser but let Josh sleep a little longer. The longer he slept, the more time you had to get things ready. You had always been a single mum (mom), you'd had a one night stand with Josh's biological father but when you told him you were pregnant he told you to get rid of the baby and leave him alone. It was hard being on your own at first but you managed and Josh was a great toddler. He always knew if you were upset or needed a hug, he always wanted to try and help you with little things like cleaning up the house.

Once you had everything ready, you woke Josh up from his sleep. He was a little grumpy until you told him about your plans to go to the park and take his football. At the mention of this, his little face lit up and a huge smile was on his face. You did your usual morning routine of feeding Josh his breakfast, then clearing up and getting Josh dressed and ready. You put everything you had packed for the day into your car. Your car wasn't fancy or fast but it was fine for you and Josh. Once all your stuff for the day was in the boot of your car, you put Josh in his car seat and made sure he was properly strapped in before getting in your drivers seat. 

"Okay Josh what's the rules for when we're out in public ?" You ask glancing back at him. This was something you went over each and every time you went out. 

"Stay close to you mummy (mommy) and hold your hand, no running off on my own and no talking or walking away with strangers" Josh said trying to remember everything you had told him. He was a shy boy even for two so you knew there was no chance of him talking to any strangers or anything like that. 

"That's right clever boy !" you praise him.

Once you pull out and start driving, you put on one of Josh's favorite Disney cd's for him to listen and sing along too. It was one of those cd's where you had already heard it over 1 thousand times but it didn't matter, in the end it made Josh happy which made you happy. You smiled as you heard Josh try to sing along to The Lion Sleeps Tonight from The Lion King, one of Josh's favorite movies. As much as Josh loved Disney movies, he hated the princess ones, he did love Olaf, The Sword in the Stone and a few other movies. You drove a little bit more until you found a decent spot to park close to the park. You would be able to keep an eye on your car very easily here. You got out then lifted Josh out, he stood beside you the whole time while you got your bag for the day out. 

"What's in the bag mummy ? (mommy)" he asks looking up curiously.

You put the strap of the bag over your shoulder before reaching down and lifting Josh up. 

"It's just some things for today sweetie like your ball, some drinks and food for us" you told him. 

You'd spent most of the day at the park and no matter how busy it got, Josh stayed close to you which you were thankful for. It was staring to get late and you wanted to get Josh home so you could feed him his dinner and then bath him and get him ready for bed. Josh agreed and began to walk back with you but he insisted on carrying his ball to the car. You soon got to the long bridge that you had to walk back across to get back to the other side as you and Josh had moved around earlier. As you were walking, you noticed a very tall man with blond / brownish hair. He was very muscular and looked like he worked out a lot. 

"Mummy (Mommy) look that's Captain 'Merica !" Josh squealed before he took off and ran along  to the unknown man. 

"Josh ! Josh come back here !" You called after him

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