7. You Find Out Your Pregnant After He Breaks Up With You Steve X Reader Part 1

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You Find Out Your Pregnant After He Breaks Up With You Steve X Reader Part 1

Your POV

It has been about 2 weeks since Steve had told you that he no longer wanted to be in a relationship with you. You were currently sitting by the window and gazing out into the night sky and admiring all the shining stars. The break up was completely out of the blue to you as you had thought you and Steve were going strong. You could have coped perfectly fine with the break up if there had been signs but there were none. You suddenly felt sick again and ran into your bathroom, luckily you made it just in time before throwing up. Once you finished being sick, you checked your watch for the time then reached for the stick that was lying on the sink. You took a deep breath before looking down at the result.

Pregnant 3-4 Weeks was read on the clear blue pregnancy test.

Great. First Steve breaks up with you which you could probably just about handle but now to find out you were carrying his child made things a bit worse. You were already going to have to see him every day at work. Of course you had already decided you were going to keep your baby. You just weren't ready for anyone else to know about this just yet, especially Steve. You knew you could only call into work so many times but then what about when your bump started growing ? It would be obvious and Steve would find out. If he didn't see you then surely one of the others would tell him. You two had been dating for almost 1 year and obviously you had been intimate. You didn't want Steve to know because you didn't want him to feel like he had to be with you just for the sake of your child. Suddenly an idea had popped into your head. Once you were sure you were feeling fine for the time being, you went and got a glass of cold water. You sat down on your comfy sofa then picked up your phone. You scrolled threw your contacts before finding the one you had been looking for. You take a deep breath once again just to make sure you know what your doing and what you feel is right for you. You look back at your phone on the selected contact. You hit call and held your phone to your ear as you heard the other phone ring. You weren't even sure if this person would still be up at this time as it was late on. The ringing soon stopped and for a second you had thought it was going to go straight to voicemail but then you heard the voice on the other end. 

"Well well well Y/N why are you calling me ? And at this late hour, I thought you would be in bed asleep by now" The voice said you could sense a slight mockery in it.

"No, not yet, can we please meet tomorrow maybe somewhere private I really need to speak to you on your own without any of the others knowing" You practically beg.

"Okay calm down, you sound very panicked, has something happened ?" The voice asks concerned.

"Yeah that's why I need to speak to you in private please" You say trying to calm yourself down.

"Okay we can meet tomorrow at 11 am at my place ?" The voice suggests

"Okay that's fine, thank you" You reply sounding a little calmer.


Next Day

You had woken up at your usual time 06:30 am. You had enough time to get yourself ready, skipping breakfast since you felt like you couldn't really face it. You left your apartment around 10:20 am to give yourself time to travel to your designated location. You had arrived outside the building around 10:50 am which gave you 10 minutes to get inside the building and to where you needed to go to find the person you were meeting there. You were told to go right on up to the top floor and that the person would meet you there shortly. Once you were up on the floor you were told to go to, you sat down and instantly began fidgeting with your fingers feeling nervous. You were unsure of how to explain your situation let alone ask what you had planned to ask. When you had thought it threw it all seemed so  much clearer and easier. 

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