16. My Second Chance Steve X Reader

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Steve POV

I had just finished my latest mission and was making my way back home. The mission had been a success so everyone was happy. It was late so I knew my amazing wife Y/N and our two sons, James 4 and Lucas 7 months would all be asleep. I hated going away on so many missions, don't get me wrong I do love my job and being an avenger but I hated being away from my family so much and missing out on my kids growing. Whenever I knew I had a mission, I arranged a few of the others to keep an eye on Y/N and the boys. I finally reached our family house. All the lights were out and the house was in complete darkness. I tried to be as quiet as I could while opening the door then closing it and locking it once I was inside. I quietly took off my jacket and shoes then made my way up the carpeted stairs. Once upstairs, I quietly checked in on James, he was sound asleep cuddled into one of his favorite teddy bears I had bought for him. I smiled before walking out of James' room and then into the nursery to check in on Lucas. I heard a few baby noises so I guessed he must have woken up. I carefully lifted him up.

"Hey buddy, you should be asleep, it's late" I said smiling at Lucas.

He looked up at me with his blue eyes then yawned. I noticed Y/N had left some milk in a bottle from an earlier feed. I picked the bottle up then held it to Lucas to see if he was hungry. He took a drink and slowly began to fall back asleep again. I cradled him for a little bit before placing him back in his crib and tucking him in. I quickly changed for bed. I felt so at ease being back home. I began to take in all the smells and scents I had come to miss so much. I got into mine and Y/N's shared bed. She was asleep in her side of the bed but I had noticed she was facing my side and was cuddling one of my shirts, I couldn't help but smile. I pulled the duvet over myself then gently pulled Y/N close to me and kissed her head. 

"Hmmm" Y/N said stirring in her sleep.

"Shhh sweetheart it's okay, it's only me, I'm back home again" I whispered.

"Missed you" Y/N whispered in her sleep.

"I've missed you all too" I whispered. 

I wasn't too sure if Y/N really knew I was home or if she was even awake or just dreaming. I cuddled into her and fell into a peaceful sleep. 


The next morning I had woken up early as I normally do. I decided not to go for my usual morning run just yet. I was still feeling bit tired and just wanted to sleep and be with my family. I began to fall back asleep again and was almost asleep until I heard Lucas crying. Y/N was still in a deep sleep so I got up and made my way into the nursery. I fed Lucas and then changed his nappy. I was debating about going back to bed but I knew Y/N would be up soon followed by James. I planned on spending as much time with them all as I could. I carefully placed Lucas in his baby bouncer chair and put on some cartoons for him to watch, I made sure the tv wasn't too loud as I didn't want to wake up Y/N or James. I headed back into the kitchen to make a start to James, Y/N and my own breakfast. I kept an eye on Lucas, making sure he was okay and settled. 

I had just finished making pancakes and placed them on a plate and then put the plate down on the table. Then all I heard was footsteps coming down the stairs and making their way into the living room.

"Lucas ? How did you get down here ? Is mummy (mommy) up ?" I heard James asking Lucas even though he knew he couldn't talk yet.

"Morning buddy" I said smiling as I made my way out of the kitchen and towards my two sons.

"Daddy !" James shouted happily as he ran over to me. I caught him and embraced him in a hug.

"Hey shhh buddy we don't wanna wake up your mum (mom) now do you ?" I asked

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