14. He Comes Home From A Mission, You Have A Surprise For Him Steve X Reader

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He Comes Home From A Mission, You Have A Surprise For Him Steve X Reader

Steve POV

I had just left the S.H.I.E.L.D compound after completing another successful mission. I had been gone for a good 8-9 months. It was a long mission. One of the longest missions I have done yet. I drove home on my bike. I couldn't wait to get back to  Y/N. I hope she doesn't think anything bad has happened to me, I had to cut contact with everyone for a bit. Including Y/N as much as it hurt not talking to her or hearing her sweet voice telling me how much she missed me and couldn't wait till I was home and to make sure I came home safely. Our last phone call ended very weird I'm not even sure what had happened. 


"Hey  sweetheart, how are you doing ? Are you feeling better ?" I asked Y/N. She was a little bit unwell before I had left. I tried to persuade her to see one of the doctors but she insisted it was just a viral or bug going around and she was unfortunate to have caught it.

"Hey, I'm doing a little better thanks, did you make it there safely ?" She replies and asks her own question.

"I did, we all made it here safe" I was currently on my mission with Nat, Bucky and Sam. 

"That's good to hear, I'm gonna miss you so much while your gone" Y/N says and I can hear just how upset she sounds threw the phone.

"Hey I'm gonna be back in no time at all I promise you" I say reassuring her.

"Listen Steve, there's something important that I need to tell you" Y/N says and I can from the tone in her voice it's serious.

"Okay, tell me" I say as I wait for her to continue.

"Okay but please don't be mad when I tell you" Y/N practically begs threw the phone. 

Mad ? Why would I ever have any reason to be mad at her ? 

"Why would I be mad at you ?" I ask

"I went to the doctor today to get something to try and help calm my sickness down" She begins to explain.

"Okay, and  ? what happened ?"  I press on wanting to know more and where this was going

"He did a test while I was there-" Then suddenly the line went dead. Dead like it had been cut. I knew Y/N and I knew she wouldn't start something like that without finishing the story.

End Of Flashback

I was a bit worried especially since I had no idea what kind of test or tests she'd had done while I was gone. It hurt even more that I couldn't call to find out if she was okay or needed me back. It was around 08:00 am in the morning when I arrived home. I opened the door quietly, it was still early and I didn't want to disturb Y/N, especially if she was still asleep. I wanted this to be a surprise for her. I was confused as I heard someone awake and in the kitchen. 

"Y/N ?" I called her name as I walked threw our shared house.

"Steve, your home ?" She asked either shocked or in disbelief

"Yeah I am, why are you up early ?" I asked confused. 

What really caught my attention was the baby bottle filled with baby formula in her hands.

"Are you babysitting for someone ?" I ask as I motion towards the bottle. 

"There's someone you need to meet, follow me but please be quiet" Y/N asks. 

I nod and follow her upstairs. She leads me into one of our spare rooms which had now been decorated.... pink and turned into a nursery ?? 

 pink and turned into a nursery ?? 

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