15. Our Little Miracle Chris X Reader

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Your POV

You and Chris had been married for a few months. It was fair to say you had a happy marriage, which was easy since you and Chris were very close and also best friends. Before you had even gotten married, you knew Chris wanted kids and a big family. You and Chris had recently talked about trying for a baby and of course as a married couple you had been intimate. You have had a few times where you've been late or thought you might have been pregnant but they were all false, each time you told Chris, you could easily see the hurt in his eyes. You knew deep down Chris would make a brilliant father. 

A few weeks earlier, you and Chris had talked again about trying for a baby and well things got very heated that night. Now here you were, currently sat in your own en suite bathroom, pregnancy test in hand. You were slightly nervous about taking it, what if it came back negative again ? Could you really bare to see the hurt in Chris' eyes again ? You nervously took the test and waited the longest 2-3 minutes of your life. Chris was currently at work so you didn't have to worry about him coming home or walking in on you. You started to imagine what life would be like with a mini you or Chris running around and picturing you and Chris with a family. You tried hard not to let yourself get too carried away. Suddenly your brought out of your thoughts by the sound of the stop watch on your phone going off. You look over at the turned over test and wonder what to do. One part of you wants to look and see that it says positive but a part of you was scared it was going to say negative. You take a deep breath and know deep down that only you can turn it around and read the result. You quickly flip it over and hold it up so you can read the result. You stare in shock and disbelief down at it.


Since you had bought a clear blue test, it also told you an estimate of how far gone you were. Your test read 2-3 weeks. Thinking the test must be wrong, you pulled out the spare ones you had just  in case and did them as well but they all came back with the same results.

Positive 2-3 weeks. 

You start to feel happiness and joy bursting inside of you. Now the next task, how to tell Chris. You knew you wanted it to be special. After spending some time and thinking up some very wild and crazy ideas, you finally decided on the right one which you were going to go with. You quickly hide all the positive tests in beside the bath towels but they were hidden so no one should see or find them with ease. You went into the kitchen and began to make the meal you had planned for tonight's dinner. You lit some candles and gave Chris an alcoholic drink but you took juice instead. You couldn't wait for Chris to come home from filming so you could tell him the news he has been dying to hear for a while. Just as you are lifting the food out of the over, Chris walked in.

"Hey Babe" Chris called smiling as he walked threw

"Hey Honey, how was work ?" You ask looking up, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

"Yeah all good, I'm just gonna pop into the bathroom, won't be long" Chris says before turning and walking off.

You begin to panic a little that he will use the one you used and find one of your sticks or all of them. You start dishing out the food onto both of your plates, taking glances in the direction of the bathroom where Chris had gone. As you were setting the plates down on the table, you relaxed as you saw Chris walking back towards you. 

"Wow Darling, this all looks amazing, what's the special occasion ?" Chris asked as he sat down across from you

"Oh nothing just wanted to spoil you" You say smiling as you pick up your glass of juice.

"Not having any wine ?" Chris asks as he eyes your glass of juice.

"No, not tonight, I have a bit of a headache" You reply.

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